jeudi 4 juin 2015

It sound like encryption work

From my thinking, I think it should work. So what I mean by that is that I can send a signal from LA to MTL without anyone able to leech the signal or the file in the signal.

Here how I proceed in my case:

First we take for acquire that the file in the signal a series of 1 and 0.

So a file look like this:


Now what my encryption program do is change the 0 for 1 in that file and the 1 for 0. This is quite simple but I can be much more complicated. I will generate 1000 possibility of series that could be found in the file(note that I don't know the rating and I did not ever played with this. But out of my logic and mere thinking, I guess I should match a lot of series). So one of it will be 1100. So the encryption program will start from the beginning of the file and each time it will encounter a serie of  1100 it will change it for 0011. Now I will do as much as series as I can. And only the decrypter on the end of the transmission know for what the 1100 need to be change. Now for the number of series that need to be crypt, it's about the cpu speed of the end modem that define how much series I can have.

Sound this work to me. Now I'll put a team of expert and try decrypt one of my signal to see if it is secure or not. I could help btw on that.

Btw, an encrypted signal can be compress too. It look like that it could be encrypted and compress in the meantime.

I forgot to say that a secre key need to make so the decrypter know how to its job. So the key will be install in the modem with a wire and no way to change that key or leech it without a password. Brute force not welcome retards.

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