dimanche 31 janvier 2016

New echelons and echelon recap

Like I said, to be rich in my realm, you need to pass the echelon well. And now I just decided to add more echelon and I could reach 40 quick easy.

So the recap is:

Echelon number:

  1. Alégence to Mak Marceau
  2. Obéissance to Mak Marceau
  3. Obéissance to Mak Marceau chain of command
  4. Respect of the universal human constitution
  5. Respect of the Five Duty
  6. And I had a gold echelon I can't remember
  7. And now the new one
  8. More to come as time goes

The new one will be:

To the affirmation: Freerer the market, freerer the people, the subject need to answer disagree and should explain:

That complete free market can only lead to pure bs and mass destruction. That the market need to respect the Makésiste laws that are here now and will be for ever. That possibly only Mak Marceau and his kind can find out the new laws for the market. That the Royal-Imperial market is far greater than free market. That some freedom could be offer for the sake of happiness of the workers.

Now I guess that the candidate will have to answer in 500 words. And that a former will need to read it and tell the central command that he pass!

Stay tune for the next!

vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Annonce classé: Recherche d'un équipe pour service menager

Bon alors Dieu me dit qu'il va me rendre riche et bla bla et que malgré le fait qu'il chiale contre les riches tout le temps, il dit que ce n'est pas fini pour les riches mais fini pour beaucoup de riches et pas moi.

Donc dans le cas ou Dieu dit vraie, ce que je doute, je vais avoir besoin d'un service.

Je recherche donc 3 femmes. Elle doivent être en dessous de la classe bella de la science de Mak Marceau. Donc en bas de Jenna Marbles.

Le salaire sera entre 600 a 800 semaine. Si je peux et ce n'est pas excessif ce sera 800.

Les termes du contrat sont:

  • Salaire en échange de service ménager
  • Elles ne doit pas être mon enemie
  • Elle doit être prêt à faire du perfectionnement en cours
  • Elle doit joindre R4 dans le futur mais elle ne sera pas envoyer sur le front
  • Elle doit me vous voyez tout le temps et je fais de même

Je recherche:

  • Une cuisinière
  • Une concierge
  • Une serveuse

J'ai déjà ma coiffeuse que je vais payer le même prix que le reste de mon staff. Donc 800.

J'explique ce fort salaire par le fait que c'est très dangereux d'être avec moi et parce que je pense que le staff d'un très grand personnage doit être très bien payer.

Bonne chance et oublier pas que c'est encore une grosse joke de Dieu.

makaubin24@gmail.com pour l'instant, mon adresse me plus tard.


mardi 26 janvier 2016

Program: Video games

So because it appear that English is more common language in this industries, I'll use it here so.

To me video games are not over. And this at least for sure for games that run on most computer. But for video games that require fast computer such as mine, the future is a bit blur because God is not clear if He is going to give me power or not. So if not, I doubt it will survive the transport catastrophy, but if God give me power it probably will. Probably will because God like games and want to make rich or nanti in vocabulary.

But things will change if I take the power. First, I'm for sure going to have a voice on the games that are being made and a lot of other stuff. Second, for an entity and especially a non vital one to survive the echelons need to be pass. So as a remember this is strong nationalism and I'm seeking for a very central administration with a large sophisticated State. So much less autonomy.

Also the game won't be sold like now but much more distributed. It will still be sold in the R system but now like now, not as the same price, at a possibly much lower price.

Also the distribution need to meet the retribution program. So no more lazy lamers on pot with hacks having all the goodies. Good father with strong family and good value.

As for the hacks, I think it can be understand that it's all over. I don't need that bs. Even for the retribution program. This is not sane.

And finally don't forget that it's your job to move to a online production facility or move to keep your entity. For now and maybe for ever because there will be State program for that but if they don't want the entity will close: I don't torture all the time.

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Definition of commonwealth and The Red Empire

These definition are require after that some supposed chief asked for my help or wanted to do something with me and my nation, Québec. I won't help my enemy and  I won't allow enemy to join my organization. I could help friends and other guess but I'm not a benevolent.

The commonwealth is somehow a super nation, a group of nation together that are friends and allies. They will do business between them before the other and give all the rest of the good things to the nation member of the commonwealth first. Each member of the super nation need to contribute to the central army lead by me Mak Marceau. It sound logic that the king will make business together to make all this deal live.

The Red Empire is an Empire lead by the Emperor Mak Marceau. He command the kings of all the nation member of it and everything inside these nation. You don't obey, you're out.

lundi 18 janvier 2016

Mak Marceau program

I ask for programs of the others politician and God ask me where is yours. So because I though everybody was in my cosmos all the time I though I'd not need to make one.

Anyway here it is:

I, Mak Marceau, won't have the choice to follow the mass if they chose to not turn the tide and keep going on like this especially with the transport. But if they want to change I offer this:

Note that if they want to preserve the current system of transport I could be a much stronger Governor to help make it work and make us better. To be a better Governor I need more info and a news network.

  1. Creation of a democratic Royal State
  2. Royal State management of the transport
  3. Mass moving manage by the Royal State if they vote for it
  4. Major revolution of the monetary order so it offer a working society under democratic market law
  5. Other micro management such as school program if they vote for me to do it

Note that according to my theories, rich cannot be with me if the people did not vote for it. Other theories said that if God give Mak Marceau the power, rich could be. So we're talking about a total income equity here and if God or an assembly of rich want to establish a rich regime I'd be in to praise God.

All this program don't goes without a global census. A census and an obedience to the Royal State.

I'm for now all alone but I'll have a team if God start doing that and it could be people that I dislike according to God request. But keep it mind that he will be a non sexist State.

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Pas besoin de rendre l'homosexualité illégal pour le moment

Alors j'aimerais commencer par faire mes escuses pour ce changement de politique mais comme nous le savons je suis en mutation, j'apprend et je deviens plus intelligent au jour le jour en parlant à Dieu tout le temps et donc cette politique change.

Parce que les ponts vont tomber et que la seul solution est de déménager les travailleur et donc déménager beaucoup de monde et si la population décroit de beaucoup dans les 10 prochaines années grâce au vieux qui nous quitte, ça nous donnera la chance de moins exproprier de monde.

Par la suite, quand la situation sera de retour à ça normal. Il est fort probable que je réenchange l'interdiction d'être homosexuel pour que la reproduction se fasse correctement.

Encore un fois plus désolé cher ami(e)s et allié.