vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Ok so there is me and also class of intelligence

I've noticed that I'm smarter. Now I admit and acknowledge that there is class of intelligence and that humans are not all the same class. The way I do it to find it out is watching Robert using a computer or a pc and try to print something: There is no way that all people is that smart otherwise nothing high tech would be done.

Btw, I come to the conclusion that PC is not for everybody. Maybe some kind of elite. I guess that several hours of learning, to not say impossible for some, would be require to simply learn how to use a new program and print something.

So now I guess that there is many class on intelligence. I wonder how easy they are to manipulate too. I wonder if I could manipulate Robert and Lyne easy if it was not of God in my way and the anonymous that are here in my house and my body and probably give order to Lyne and Robert.

jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Sex etiquette for my Clubs

If I grow I expect to have a lot of people. And while I need to take all kind of people, for my personal Club and circle I think I can search for people like me. So with this said, this is what I expect for rules of the etiquette:

"Show us you titties" in a comment or in a public forum is not fine.
Showing sex photo in a general forum is not fine.
When she say no it's no. When she say Fuck Off, time to call the Millicia.
Seeking for a Belle as an old fart is a joke, go do that with Raymon Lemieux.

I think this 4 lines speak a lot and I think people around is enough smart to understand what kind of bs is not permit.

I'll rewrite all this soon officially. And when I'll have more xp in life, I'll have a better etiquette.

mardi 27 octobre 2015

So what is going on

So I come to the conclusion that been with a gang would be good for me. Maybe this way, I could find a way out. But people is crazy around, been in a gang is surely not getting caught by it. And the point of a gang is to protect ourselves, protect all the members.

And God tell me that I need to be great cheif into that. So I do what I ask.

I'm not interested in the gang that did what they did to me. Quite obvious and this make sense. God will need to torture me so I join the fm or any other group or organization that did what happens to me.

Also, I'm not interested to join a gay gang nor a masculine gang that want to rape my wife. Okay if God give me the power I could make Him happy by joining a men gang but an homo gang no way and surely not a gang that mass rape and want to hurt my baby.

This said, after Lauzon to say that he is interested, it has finish by I quote: "Suck a cock"

Ho and last thing, to hell jesus and the chistian, no way! Nor any sort of ritual, I'm not interested.

samedi 24 octobre 2015

There is 5 duty or 5 working part(Les cinq parties du travail)

Also said devoir en French. I've talk many times in the past in the cosmos about that.

In order importance:
  1. Political duty
  2. Millician or Police duty
  3. Work duty
  4. Reproduction duty
  5. Army duty 
It appear that these 5 duty could be said the national dutys. (Les devoirs national)

For a citizen to be a correct and working citizen, I pretend she/he need to respect these five duty. A citizen does not work fully or correctly if he/she does not respect these five duty.

  1. The political duty is about doing his politic study and understand how humanity work completely. Voting is part of this duty.
  2. The Millician duty is about keeping the good order in the nation.
  3. The work duty is doing is work part or for the burraucrate doing his physical part.
  4. The reproduction stand for itself but good to note that it does not end at making childs: Take care of the child so they make child too is another aspect of this duty.
  5. If call by the administration entity of the nation also said The State, the citizen need to join the force. With a good State of course!

I hope people can understand how fubar they are if I'm right. I think that like 40% of the nation should be perfect on that so it would work.

lundi 19 octobre 2015

So I'm going to redo political compass about how I'd manage capitalism with comments (the text editor got nagged so I can't complete)

Remember that political compass is not complete so I will add some stuff.


"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."

The problem here is I'm not W.Bush and his band, I mean I'm not a politician and does not give a fuck about anything beside my own wealth and my own being. And I'm not seeking to kill everybody at once like them.

This said, letting the private do anything they want and do anything they can to make wealth will for sure not bring us to a working humanity which we need to live and survive on earth.

A side note on this question: Globalisation should be stop because of the transport crisis and the lost of the taxes and hidden taxes. So anyway...

The reason why I choose agree instead of strongly agree is because I think I need to respect the popular and elite opinion. This as long as it does not kill the whole someday.


"I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong."

At first it may sound that this is good to do or I mean to support the old errors. But when we got an example, my grandmother-genetic side father-genetic and other people like Bernad Landry, I can clearly say that they have not been nice at all and they did not give a fuck about anything beside their own person. And I choose disagree instead of strongly disagree because I think the leaders could have the right or the forgiveness to do some mistake with this pretty hard job of administrator/politician.

"No one chooses his or her country of birth, so it's foolish to be proud of it."






























My vision of how capitalism should work

I spoke lately about how I'd manage it. And according to the new development, my Realm that I'd create after the transport crisis would also be capitalism. So money and private business.

But now I'm not the State if one exist, nor the banking establishment(those who own and manage the money) and I'm far from welcome as we can see so the only thing I can do is blogs and some other stuff on the web like Political compass and of course my cosmic speech.

So I did political compass a lot and for those who followed I think my view on capitalism is a bit clear. If God wish, I could develop all question in my blog and show well how I manage capitalism.

So for now that's the only thing God allow me to do.

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

So what we need to do to make it work for now and than

I'm not sure why God make me write this because I've said it all in the cosmos and I think it is right to say that everybody on Earth is there when I talk.

So anyway:

For now and because I'm about sure that nothing is going to happens with me or any revolution is going to be without the bridges that fell apart, for now, we can only do the capitalism and if people want they can do it as I see it.

And than when it will fall apart I claim that what we need to do is:

Manage to have 90% of the population of a nation to go in the direction of the Royal State and way to administer and live. Than when we have that 90%, a King need to be find and he need to start his Royal State. Than He and his State will administer the transport and all the rest. If the population of the nation wish to restart the production, a lot most move and the Royal State and the King will administer this too.

If there is no King able to do such a thing, which I doubt but some rumours point that, I need to take the control of the Kings and tell them what to do and in this case I'll be the Emperor King. The Pharaonic Emperor King.

As a note on the last paragraph, I don't mind if they tried or even succeed to take me out.  I don't even mind if they try doing that. I claim I'm going to help any King of any nation to get back on the track. Explanation to this: I don't want to waste humanity and anyway since I love humanity and understand that humans are quite fucked up in their minds, I don't mind of they try to take me out: It's God that need to do His job and protect me from all!

mercredi 7 octobre 2015

The point on the transport

So I have talk with God about this more and now:

Carpooling could help to get more workers. But it can't save us. It would although be good to prepare ourselves for carpooling and for this New World that does not give as much as pleasure than the current one. Prepare ourselves for also the carpooling that could be a necessity when it will be collapse and we'll want to have more production out of our remaining roads.

Than we'll need to move(déménagement) to get back our production, our music and our movies. And of course, it won't be the same production: I claim the food won't restart.

For the cars, it appear that most of our used one will be repair. Some could be new and if I'm at command it's going to be the same car model for all.

mardi 6 octobre 2015

All whore

So it come to my attention that the women could want to be prostitute instead of working. And all the mens want to work.

I don't mind if they want to do that. But good to point that this is not my idea and I doubt I should be the one that explain how this mess could work.

Also, it came to my attention that some women work. Bad start if I can say.

Than I will say the most important: They need to class themselves in age so the reproduction can work correctly. And there is the high grade that could have the pretty, you're not going to tell me that the whole ugly race got the high rank? So the high grade got the pretty but for the rest there is the red points and than the pretty that goes with the pretty for reproduction. Who get the pretty one to reproduce than? loto? Loto made by whom? Bernard Landy?

Now another little problem. By doing such a thing, I mean instead of working and let the women not work and class, some people could not really believe that the R is respected. Your problem! Because the R system could become if the nation is in a great order. And btw, does the R red system appear to be needed in this story?

Than some women say: Why the mens does not work here in town?

I think that God make fun of me a lot. Just by writting this you can understand THAT YOU CAN GO FUCK YOUSELF!