mardi 29 mars 2016

I strongly suggest a total digital State

By digital, I mean most task are made by computers.

It's possible to support or repair the residential without the computers, also the reproduction. But it take much more time and it's totally a different State.

If it was working in the past, where computer did not exist, it for sure still can work without computers.

Let's take for example the reproduction by the old way compare to the computers.

Note that, imo, the reproduction need to be totally schedule by the State so everybody have reproduce.

Without computers:

There is a team at the hospital with computers of course that have agenda to schedule people.
All the nation is cut in sector.
In each sector there is X number of family.
So let's take for example PAT sector, with 75 family.

There is the central node that is in contact via the cosmos of phone with the team at the hospital.
There is the secondary node that know 10 family each.
There is 8 secondary node in PAT sector.
When the team say we have 5 space for week number 1, so 1 December January next year. The central node with receive a communication from the team and will get 5 space to fulfil. He/She going to ask to the secondary node if some family are ready. Even worse, or better, the secondary node will force some family to have their child there so it work correctly.

With computers:
Everybody will be recensé from a communal station in each sector.
The hospital network will assign a space to a couple from the agenda of the hospital.
So for example, there is space in 9 month for 5 couple, 5 couple will be assign.
Each citizen need to go read his email two times a week.
The hospital network send an email to the citizen.
The citizen confirm.


It's for sure easier with the computers and the network. Faster, and it make us save a lot of work.

Don't forget that according to the Makésime vision. All citizen need to have find an opposite sex partner by the age of 18 and start to live with. At the age of 20 they can start to be called to have child.


So it look like that the State that will manage the whole thing after the bs is over or when the bridge will collapse will be either computer or old way. And I vote for computers and if the population and especially the future members of the State vote the opposite, I guess it will be the old way than. That's how God work I think.


dimanche 20 mars 2016

Proof it's the food market that do that to me(Communiqué 181)

And remember, the win and the cigarette and all liquid and the paper and the wood cutting
 goes in the food market

(not in order of importance)

  • I knew at 33 years old that I could live out of water
  • My implant ring when I should buy cigarette
  • My implant ring when I am hungry
  • My genetic-father is in the paper
  • Two of my uncle is in the paper
  • Uncle of my father is in the paper
  • I eat 3 time a day and this for 34 years
  • I always searched to eat all over my life
  • The metro leader told me that I would get my balls cut if I don't suck cock
  • The police is under all that and took me some times
  • Each time there is a police station there is metro
  • Charle Bourgogne sound like wine
  • My gf Karine eat all the time
  • My whole family, on both side eat all the time
  • The hospital give me 3 meal a day while I was there and they do that all the time to all others
  • Some people of the patch play the game hayday
  • I've smoke since I 12 years old
  • Benoit coté that broke my teeth worked at carryall, they make carrosse
  • A guy from the livraison of metro told me, how you like it?
  • The hospital broke my teeth after I've said that I don't eat to not brake my teeth
  • Fairfax, a cheif of police said high loud in the cosmos that he cut the ball to anybody that does not eat
  • I live in a neiberhood that contain 4 épicerie
  • My genetic father and mother keep repeating that vagetable need to be eated to we can live in health
  • My whole father family smoked cigarette and still do it
  • My brother worked at the boucherie of chicken
  • The gf of one of my uncle work at tim horton

I'll write more as time goes...

Take me for a moron...

And remember, never I would have eat. I would be the most beatiful, the most smart, the most good at games, the most couragous, the most strong. And I have the biggest mass media of the world!

Normally, I get pretty, never shit, never piss, never fuck my teeth. And also food is not good for health. And I say this to everybody with my antenna while they say all the opposite on their box.

vendredi 18 mars 2016

How my monetary order would work in a working world

And this because God ask for it.
Say the bridge would not collapse.

I'd start by saying that according to my new info, the reason why most of the businessman start a business is because they have an access to the bank: They can print money as will.

Now it is unclear if they make the math correctly according to the stock of the store or if they just print as will and it "work". They could also be crazy and because it's the end do not care about anything.

Because God ask for that, money would be split to a undefined number of organization here in Québec country. They would receive their share and do their stuff with it. 

The difference is their is an amount of money that can be print each week, that I call the flux and no more.

This flux is by sector. The sector of Montreal have a possible flux and Québec city another one.

There is also that every Quebecers have a normal pension. So when someone is under the control of some organization, he/she need to receive the pension from them.

For the business they're is a lot of restriction or law.
All these need to be written trough time and a lot now when people will start talking to me.

For example, if the clan X live in Terrebonne and they make alluminium that cost 10 time the price the Chinesse aluminum, it could close.

They need to respect the environment so humans will be able to live for ever on Earth.

Than come the police that arrest the criminals or the thieves. It appear that some have the right to be rich and some other don't. It also appear that some have more right than others. For example, car-oil is stealing and they have the right to do that while the thieves cannot steal the pump station. 

So what I'd do here as a King is make the math, split the money and legiferate the market so everythings work well. This to not count that if I can do what I want, I'm going to have myself a society and it could be large.

vendredi 11 mars 2016

Pourquoi les humains me font du mal, encore (Communiqué 0021)

À partir de ce point dans ma vie, il est trop facile de savoir pourquoi ils m'ont fait ce qu'ils m'ont fait et qui l'a fait.

Mais le problème est que sans que ce soit écrit, comme je vais le faire dans ce post, il est dur d'expliquer cela au gens qui posent la question.


  • Marché rival
  • Nation rival
  • Criminel
  • Rituel
  • Pour l'argent
  • Pour monté dans les organisations
  • Les laids
  • Les traitres
  • Les masculines
  • Les homosexuel
  • Les déviant sexuel(travestit ect)
  • Les drogué
  • Les vendeur de drogue
  • Les 27
  • Les fous

Et en mots pour expliquer c'est points:

Je suis un Québécois très vaillant et donc opposé aux nations rival qui tente de nous voler et nous faire du mal. J'ai donc les impériaux Anglais sur le dos et les traitre Québécois qu'ils ont payés avant de l'argent Anglaise Canadienne pour qu'ils travaillent pour eux et contre le Québec. Les chefs Anglais savait que j'étais pour devenir comme cela. Et donc les traitre l'ont sue.

Je ne mange pas et je déteste le manger pour plusieurs raison. Selon moi le manger c'est le mal et que de la merde. Je joue beaucoup contre le marché du manger et je sais bien que c'est marchand sont vraiment pas correct et très malin pour garder leur part.

Je suis un très grand Millicien ou en quelque sorte un policier très clean et donc il est évident que sans support des forces de l'ordre à cause des point énumérer si haut, je vais me faire attaquer par les criminels. On ne met pas un policer en prison...

Je suis très grand classeur et je n'ai rien à foutre de ces con de merde de laid qui veulent avoir les belles et faire leur connerie de débilité de partage.

Je suis mixte, donc je suis pour les féministes et il est évident que j'ai sur le dos tout les criminel masculine qui volent tout au femme et surtout les emploi parce qu'ils sont plus fort que les femmes.

Je suis très hétéro et je de grand propos contre l'homosexualité qui est selon moi pas correct du tout et un problème majeur dans notre cher pays.

Je ne prend pas drogue parce que je dis que c'est la pire merde.

J'informe tout le monde en même temps et je divulgue tout les coups débiles des 27.

Et regarder mon père génétique avec sa maladie naturel de maniac colérique.

Et Dieu m'a laisser tomber.... Et les femmes aussi, voir elles m'ont vendu aux hommes selon moi.

Est-ce vraiment dur de comprendre ce qui m'arrive avec ce communiqué?

lundi 7 mars 2016

How to be rich after the collapse

Because the money won't exist than and because that without oil, the cars and the root of the Canadian monetary order it is impossible to pay the workers.

Imo the reason why the workers make luxury for big organization is because they are paid. They won't be after the collapse.

So after the collapse, we need to restart the whole production and move everybody. And the only way to be rich imo is to impose the rank to all. And make all obey.

So there is a lot of people that want to be rich and a lot of smart people that need to join an organization and organize that imposition.

I'm one of them. I've been saying that you need to join the society Régimal to do that but if the Red Society don't rise, it will be call the Red Society instead of the society Régimal.

We need to be a lot to do that. I estimate 250 000 of 2 000 000.