vendredi 18 mars 2016

How my monetary order would work in a working world

And this because God ask for it.
Say the bridge would not collapse.

I'd start by saying that according to my new info, the reason why most of the businessman start a business is because they have an access to the bank: They can print money as will.

Now it is unclear if they make the math correctly according to the stock of the store or if they just print as will and it "work". They could also be crazy and because it's the end do not care about anything.

Because God ask for that, money would be split to a undefined number of organization here in Québec country. They would receive their share and do their stuff with it. 

The difference is their is an amount of money that can be print each week, that I call the flux and no more.

This flux is by sector. The sector of Montreal have a possible flux and Québec city another one.

There is also that every Quebecers have a normal pension. So when someone is under the control of some organization, he/she need to receive the pension from them.

For the business they're is a lot of restriction or law.
All these need to be written trough time and a lot now when people will start talking to me.

For example, if the clan X live in Terrebonne and they make alluminium that cost 10 time the price the Chinesse aluminum, it could close.

They need to respect the environment so humans will be able to live for ever on Earth.

Than come the police that arrest the criminals or the thieves. It appear that some have the right to be rich and some other don't. It also appear that some have more right than others. For example, car-oil is stealing and they have the right to do that while the thieves cannot steal the pump station. 

So what I'd do here as a King is make the math, split the money and legiferate the market so everythings work well. This to not count that if I can do what I want, I'm going to have myself a society and it could be large.

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