mardi 31 mars 2015

They make the opinion, they don't know how to make them work, I need to make the scheme

I'll start this by you better have some pretty good torture to make me build your lame whore and patriarch system. Even if you class, making the mens boss of the household is a prise en hotage. Your problem to do that. When I know what me and my race did in the history of mankind it's for sure not me that is going to explain you how TO MAKE IT WORK ON THE ENEMY SIDE. This is a so fucking retarded, I can't believe it.

Ho and btw, I'm not even sure if I could do it. I need force imo to do it. And also I need some people with a lot of knowledge to tell me how and how much hostage they can make and have. So when I receive the book about how to make hostages?

Also, how much do they pay me for that? I'm not saying that I'd do it for cash, but does it make sense that they ask me to do that for free? While a police officer is paid 80 000 each years?

lundi 30 mars 2015

I don't understand, imo they are plain nuts and I'm surprise they keep doing it

W just said, why you want to be with the girls. Meanwhile, he is father of 2 kids and he ask me to bring him pretty whores? And a member of his organization ask me to bring them child because they are pedophile?

No, it does not make any sense and I perfectly know I'm doing right.

I'm suppose to be hot and be among the best club and I will keep seeking for this. Cock and girls come first than games maybe. Not the opposite.

I'm right, they're wrong to not say plain nuts and full of non sense.

dimanche 29 mars 2015

So what's up with me and drugs and why I want to start selling it

First let's start that I don't use drug more than a week and as long as God is ok with me like he is ok with many people, I won't use drug more than a week and not in big quantity and also it's good to note that it is his request that I use drugs because otherwise I would not at all. I hate drugs, for me, it's for the poor.

Now why I want to start selling some. First and for most because I can't do sophisticated things such as door and painting boss that contract. Everything is secret and there is a lot of people here. Also I claim that God won't ever allow me to be sophisticated. And drugs is very easy to sell and manage imo, very. Compare to the rest. And very lucrative.

So because I need money and btw not much and because it would help me from the fact that I need financing from my friends that they worked hard to make their cash, I could have my own cash from my own business. Note that not much for now, if I manage to grow a lot, I'd be rich or little rich, this again is God request.

Also I could prove what me and God can do to the assembly and maybe than receive a promotion or a membership to a great organization.

For the legality of the drugs, this is hard and complicated topic. But I will say that to me, it is not illegal to do what I want to do or not correct or criminal. What is not correct is making crack in such quantity that the whole town use it all day long. In my scheme drugs is rare and expensive. So to me it's a service to the population.

It is good to note again that I'm young, 7 years old to be correct and that I could do mistake. I have no friends whatsoever and nobody give me any light or comment here in the blog. I can't progress or correct myself in this case.

I'm interested to take control of the drugs anywhere I'm invented to and in Quebec I claim it's my right to take it and my market that God should have GIVE TO ME.

So I'd do a private forum in the case I found some friends and can get secure

The reason to that is because I think it's the best way to follow great news, talk about it with friends. If things go the way I think it will go, I'm going to do a lot of internet if I get free so a private forum sound good. But I hope, this time, that God will let me read the whole thread and so read my friends.

Also another good thing of the forum is possibly to make friends and learn great secret and progress with writings. I claim that read and write make me progress a lot in my life and I think that if we can be among friends where lies and bs is out and if we could find some very educated people that are similar to us and want to join our club we could progress.

That's my idea and my argumentation for the forum. I forgot to say that it's a way to live together with people that live far from each other and want to have relationship with allies and friends overseas. As a remember God ask me to become the state and in this case I'd like to have a relation with my market link and allies.

We could also adopt a commune dictionary and grow a lot with nice people we find.

Ho and please for for reddit like, not a linear crap!

samedi 28 mars 2015

Declassing, Bravo God. Me and my taste.

God is a funny one. More time goes, more I found more girls pretty. It was a time, I was only finding some girls pretty and back there I was just a zombie. So when I woke up from that nightmare, I started to found a lot of more girls pretty. Now I wonder if, from my expectation, I found 85% of the girl of my age pretty. And my cock does not work, I don't have full sensation and finally I only see them in photo.

So God and the declass bs. To me right now, it's more than normal the the most pretty girls are not with the most pretty boys. At best it could be and I don't mean that in some situation it is not fully correct to not say criminal but I believe that even if most hottest girls are not with the the most hottest guys, we're not on hell. That's God joke.

Btw, I found some music that I was saying ok now Good. To not say better than what I was founding good.

Also, the face is not only the most important cmon, that's dumb.

dimanche 22 mars 2015

About our problem of inflation and oil

So I'll say it again. When it will collapse, they need to cut their spending. They, the central the make that make cash with the oil and the rest of the connex. If they don't do that, money is going to disappear. In fact, I say that all store will be out of stock and it won't be useful for anything to make money since there is nothing in the store.

Now it's by sector that they need to reduce spending. For example, if Anjou fell apart, I say that the whole monteregie need to cut. And to be correct, when one sector felt, all other sector of the nation should cut at the same rate for equity. If they don't do that, major problem could appear.

Also, the other solution would be to raise tax to the whole but I'm not a situation to do that. Try it yourself.

And finally, for friends that are rich. I strongly suggest to really cut it and relax when it will start. For your own sake. Let the cocaine user like Homer keep doing his bs. We'll see what is going to happen to him from my theory.

Note that removing social wellfare create major problem and society disfunction that lead to global fubarness. And same for cuting the poor(Minimal wage). Imo for those, they won't work if they have not enough money and make the math about how many people are on minimum wage, that's a lot.

samedi 21 mars 2015

So what I'm going to do if God start

I got project that are a necessity and I have written them here on this blog in the last post. These project are for sure going live if I start doing this with God and if I don't change mind on this with new information.

But it appear that these project are not enough for God and he want to do more with me. So I will explain what I'll do more and what I'm talking about.

Let's start by for me there is not only one society in Quebec but many more. And I'm going to take control of all of them and reform them so it can work correctly. Upon God request, I will preserve the rank of the members of the society. But it is good to know that reform is most likely a necessity. So things will change. For example, they could be force to have child. Force to work and so on. Also right now I claim that the leader Homer need to change direction and emphasis working and no drug abuse to do correctly his leader job. We'll see later if I could force him to do that with God.

For the back, there will have laws and reform there too. But again, they will stay no rank and in the market of the work or le marché du travail.

Were me and God is not agree is about the classing. So I'm not sure what is going to happen about it but it's for sure to be a law for the whole Quebec that said NO RAPE. But it appear that upon God request some entity could make whores and force them to do that. I'm not going to be the admin of this absurdity but I will not move against them.

For the allied country, I suggest that they introduce me a princess or something. She cannot be force. At best they know my classing, so up to them to be correct about it.

God pump up another problem that could be major

The kids money. That appear to be easy to steal and got stole. Now they use a super scheme to do that. A scheme that most likely say that because they are kids, they don't work and they don't deserve money. But they go to school and do their cosmic job. No, let's make thing clear, they for sure know what they are doing, THEY STEAL THEIR OWN CHILD.

Now the problem is, if they all did that or if a lot did that, what is going to happen when these child will get the power because the parent are too old. It's what we're going to see. In my case, from God request, I'm going to let them go with that without penalty but the problem is, are they, the others kids that has been stole that are adult now, are they going to seek for penalty. So I guess that if they all seek for revenge we're going to have problem and we'll see later if I change mind on this.

So upon God request, I'm going to give the cash to parent and the kids won't have much. And I repeat, this is unless there is a revolt of something.

For those who want to give the money the kids deserve, they can do it. And it's what I'm going to do.

jeudi 19 mars 2015

What's my job right now in Quebec and what is the state again

Again, for me and in my dictionary, that I'm going to publish btw, the state is an entity that own the power and that can do a lot of stuff. So again I just want to point that I'm not the state and I don't see any entity that can be called state. The entity that we got here can be call archaic state, central and society.

So I doubt I'll ever have enough power and knowledge to declare myself as the state someday. But if God start and do what I want to do let's see what I can do right now.

Btw, I pretend myself right now as the red party and the Quebec and international GOV. And I'm possibly one of the gov. I'm not aware of fully aware that some other entity govern the region.

So what I can do right now imo. Important to say imo because God could or have pretend that this kind of things is not my job at all.

  • Take control of the bridge maker and do the right bridge. This point require some work and a lot of knowledge. But overall and or at the end it mean that new bridge are not constructed. It mean that we are trying to abolish the rule of 30. So for those who did not follow, it mean that we rebuild the first bridge that has been build in a far past before expending our roads and bridge. Imo, this point could be all done with my leadership.
  • Make a common program for the hospital so it could be much easier to take appointment with the hospital as businessman or as simple citizen. This require some work of me and I need a good medium size team of computer engineers. Software engineers.
  • Create an union in Quebec that goes in the direction of the reproduction. Create laws so the people and the business man need to make child.
  • Create a program that will make teams to pick up the remains of the collapsed bridge. An emergency plan need to be build so the company in question that can do that will perfectly know what they need to do when the major such as the Métropolitaine will collapse.

If I grow here and if I get more powerful with time. I could do much more business and for example, I could deal with other nation for exchanging product. I could also lead huge project such as the creation of a new video card factory.

Meanwhile as a remember, if God and the society is correct, I should live and work with my wife and have kids.

So nationalism is impossible so I either did a mistake en tant que philosophe apprenti or it's really the end of the world

Ok so fuck off with the nationalism, from what happen, I mean billions of stolen dollar, sexual slavery all around, nationalism is not a solution.

So either I'm again mistaken and so the society can take hostage at large rate or what I'm going to right now is God will give emperium victoria to either a king or a organization.

This said, he will either ask the whole to obey to this entity or the entity will use torture to make them obey.

I keep saying he won't do that with me but he keep saying that I could and the only reason he does not want to do that with me is because I don't make whores and I don't declass. Pile of bs to me, I'm just a philosopher here.

And if I do it, remember that I pretend the situation is universal. So a solution for us is a solution for all of us.

So finally, what I say that is going to happens is either they will make a new deal before the collapse or they will have to make new deal after the collapse because God won't allow them to commit suicide or because they have nothing to loose anymore.

mercredi 18 mars 2015

About the natality rate

I don't understand. While God torture me all day long he keep getting rich the people that does not give a fuck about anything like W.Bush. I don't understand, while I'm the only one saying everybody should have kids, I see a lot of people saying the opposite and the same people live rich meanwhile. And now God say, I give the best to the best and those who did well. That make a lot of sense to me.

So to talk again about the problem, well I say that the leaders perfectly know why they have a problem about it and I guess that God will change the order soon to solve the problem.

This said the problem are:
  • Leaders getting elected with the program of no obligation to have kids to everybody
  • Company that search for worker and get some with the right to not have kids to their employees.
  • Elite members that think they can have absolution, so it mean they think they can have the right to have no kids. Problem is, we're full of elite people.
  • Homosexual that don't want kids and create no kids town(Gay village)
  • Great leaders like me that can't have kids because of the cry babies the want them to suck cock.
  • Declassing and sexual slavery. They don't make mom, they make whores. 
Now don't tell this is not the fault of God what is going on. On what he did to me, it's all clear: It's his bs.

So now I don't understand. I feel like God tell us we need to fight to bring back the normality. Like if we need to fight against him and the rest of the bs people around.

This to not count the numbers of town that got no future because of the market, like the cars, and these town will probably create order that work on the opposite side that what we need. And got an influence on the rest.

So I say, have kids like me, whoever you are. Or try to. Join the commission 24 to bring back the natality rate at normal. Be an activist and fight. I say that EVERYBODY should have 2 kids.

Ho and btw, have kids and RAISE THEM. We need them to make cpu, not to suck black cocks and old gran pa cocks.

mardi 17 mars 2015

And for the batteries

So since I'm pretty sure that for device that do not need a lot of energy, for these device, batteries are not needed. So from there God ask me what I do with that.

Let's start this subject by the fact that God cannot ask me such question before we find solution to other question such as: How I'm going to have the power and is nationalism a need.

Now I will say that either way: Why should I do the batteries scheme? As far as I'm aware the reason why most people is in this plot is because they get their share. Now I hope it's those who did what happens to me that sell batteries. Because if it's the case I hope they can understand that they CANNOT pay me anymore. I've lost 33 years of my life and nothing can bring this back.

So until I got my share, which does not change anything btw, I'm not in with the batteries.

And just a bit why that: Why should I do that to own people? The phone wire, the controller wire and all the rest. This is pure insanity. I can't believe it.

GJ crooks!

lundi 16 mars 2015

For world homogenie, I meant...

It is good to start with that if God start this with me, I could have been elected. High chance that I am in this situation.

So we are not talking about a dictatorship but a democratic emperor. We'll see later about this.

But anyway, in both situation, I claim that for organizing this world wide union, we need an global homogeneity. And I'm talking about income homogeneity.

So all the painter world wide would do the same amount of money and same goes for all the rest of the function.

The fact is, I don't remember why I need this but I'm pretty sure I've come across the necessity of it. So we'll see later for the why and I will explain this on this blog like the rest and if I get stronger, I'll have official paper and website to publish all this.

If we want to create the commonwealth, we need to expect a lot of necessity like this.

Now God talk about the emperor of the whole world

Must be a joke or something, anyway, I report again what is going on in my cosmos.

So God claim that king of Quebec is not enough for me and that emperor of the whole world should be better.

Well let's have fun than if he want so.

It won't be that hard imo to manage the whole world. Of course if would be a bigger job than only Quebec but it does not sound complicated to me to create an imperial state. And the reason of this is because of the universality of the problems. I say that we all share the same culture or way of life and that only the production is different. So this said, a solution to us, quebecers, is a solution to all of us.

So in this situation, I need kings and lords to complete the imperial state and it appear that I won't choose them all as I want to. God appear to choose them most of the time. I'd be the king emperor of Québec and I will manage this country and be able to manage than the rest of the world. The king and th lord just need to do like me for the major problem and for the rest of the problems, I will choose which one I can take care of and the rest of the problems cannot be solve by me. Ask God or your leaders.

So the day this will start, I will have a much greater life and I will just start by doing my king job and create a royal state here in Quebec. Than I'll make a imperial state for the rest of the world.

We start by: the transport problem and than we go the the natality rate problem. And than we got the building problem and so on.

Btw, I'll have a queen and the other kings and lords interested should be prepare to do 17 or watch it frequently.

Last thing, if you want the join the imperial state or should I say what I call the commonwealth you need to accept the world equity and homogenie and also the rendement. It mean that for each number of pop, we need to give an amount of work in hours. As I do this whole organization, new stuff and requirement will be for being in the commomwealth. 

samedi 14 mars 2015

The end of the bridges, the end of the money by sector.

Look like that now I am aware of what is going to happen if there is no preparation or revolution made by the nation members: When the bridge will collapse, the money won't go to the central and the central will fell apart and the money is going to disappear with the store nothing in it. This is, if the central is the oil and the car sellers. Which I believe they are.

I guess there is nothing we can do about it without preparation. Thinking about it while I write this, there could be a solution and it could be to raise the tax at a mad rate when the bridge will collapse. I'm not sure if it's this that is going to happen.

This said, I doubt it's the end of the world when it will happen because still the society exist and they don't need money to work imo. Also, I guess that God will try to make a new money or maybe the R system.

We're talking about a new money

So now me and God talk about a new money. But after this talk he said he does not want to change the money. So this is just talk that I report here for those who have no time or can't listen what is going on in my cosmos.

I define central all the entity that are connected to this money. The production, the services, and the towns. This central would be under the command or the administration or a royal state. So a state with a king at his head.

Of course things would change a lot if God do that. Money would not go in the same hand and the prerequisite to have money from the state would not be the same. There would be a market around the central and they could do what ever they want to do with this money but in my case as the king of this new state, I'd only give money to those who work.

And I got plenty of work for everybody. The reason why I go in this direction is because I don't have the solution to the question: Who work. So I say, everybody work.

Anybody got a solution in the comment?

vendredi 13 mars 2015

I keep saying it's not the end of the world and more likely the end of their rate of life

So I'm not sure about that but I think that most people that sell oil are in the same organization that the one who print the money and got a lot of employees or people to feed. I think that the electricity is in this organization too. I don't call this the state, I call this the central.

So they are going to loose a huge part of their income anytime or in max 40 years. So what I think they need to do if they don't want the R system is to make a plan and prepare themselves for when it will fall apart. So it mean that the day it will fell apart, they will cut their spending for approximately 30%. They need to do the math I don't have this info here.

I'm not sure where they are going to cut and since there is no king, I don't know how they are going to make these cut.

So the day it will fell apart, people will start carpooling and a lot of people in town will see their pay check lowered by a lot.

This could be a solution to our money problem. I'm not sure if this is going to work.

And I suggest that they do not live as rich as they where because I expect strike in this case.

Now we need to find a solution to the rate of birth and we're almost all fine!

mardi 10 mars 2015

Le prix de l'essence

Alors je continue d'avoir la même politique à ce niveau. C'est à dire que nous devons trouver le bon taux  d'émission par rapport à ce que le globe peut nous donner. Par contre, je n'ai pas d'information à savoir qu'est-qui est fait avec les revenue de l'essence alors c'est plutôt à vous de voir.

lundi 9 mars 2015

Let's resume what just happened

So Charle Bourgogne say: "we want you and we want to negociate"

Than I ask to God, is not the fm a brotherhood?

So how could they think about taking a guy they castred for 30 years?

Make no sense to me.

Than Bertrand say: "You're not going with the girls"

God say: "But u are with the girls Bertrand"

Meanwhile I though, the whores too.

Betrand say than: "I have the right and he does not"

You to judge who is ok to who is not.

I'm not that poor

It's because of God. He does not allow me to make a term to define how in wealth I am considering the whole that I have and not just money. So because I say that I have a lot due to my nature God make me say that I'm rich. I'm not agree with that, I'm not rich, I'm I think one of the most poor quebecers around. But I'm not an idiot, a moron, an asshole, so I claim I got more than my enemy. Simple as that. I can't believe how rich I am if I'm not attacked by assholes all around the globe.

What deal the society need to take

For me the most important deal that the society need to take are:

-Who work
-What are the income class and who get the money
-Who's rich
-Who get the good food
-Who get the drug
-Who need to reproduce
-Who get all the rest of the goodies
-What are the restriction of the money and do we need the R system

Than the question is, who is going to manage the state and all its entity. What is going to be the job of this state.

For example, who will manage the hospital. Who will manage the money printing.

Now to all these question, I have no clue. It's not my idea to live rich and not work. I have no solution to that. In my realm, it's all the same pay and everybody work and everybody reproduce.

So again, I got no clue on these question. And if God start a negotiation with me as a leader of it. We'll see what they are going to say about that.

So far what a lot of parties say is : fuck you we commit suicide. But I pretend that God will possibly force them to find a solution, so we'll see than and until then, ON GLANDE.

Another great question is about the internet, who get it? Who get the bandwidth?

Another great question about the commonwealth is which car company we keep and which one we close?

dimanche 8 mars 2015

I'm one of the great leader that offer himself and

As we know from the cosmic debate, as we know, I'm not here to do the 27 bs or any other mad thing. I do my 17, okay, I ask the quebecers to let me do my stuff and I claim I'm not mad.

I'm not here to sell cigarette nor to make whore for the assholes. They need to adopt my custom otherwise it's search for a leader somewhere else than here.

Now I say that we should create a nation call Quebec that has the same, about, territory as now. And we should create a super alliance organization call the commonwealth. This mean, if things would go the same, Canada would a nation, so Quebec would be, U.S another one and the we would be all in the commonwealth. A super organization that is call an alliance.

Negotiation are close, try torture.

Question: what is a state

So again from my post: "how it work" I got another cosmic question.

A state in the u.s could be a society. But I'm not saying that some state in the u.s does not contain many society.

From what happened, from the debate we got on the cosmos, I define a state in my dictionary as: A human entity that have the power of a nation. Either given by God or by the members of the society or societys. With a S, that mean more than one. My english btw.

In my book, in my stuff, a state need a king. A state is the entity that make it work. It's somehow the government. Lead by a king in my stuff. Otherwise, I will presume that state without king are ARCHAIC STATE. Which mean basically a fucking zoo that make no sense at all. I don't mean to insult my enemy on this, I'm just honest and tell what I think.

Question: So what is the united state of america

So this question come from my last post.

I answer to that: This is nation created by the deal of the society. A nation got a flag, a territory and a lot of other stuff that is subjective to the deal of the society. Quebec is similar and only those who taken the deal know what this nation is for.

It's not because Quebec and the U.S cease to exist that it's the end of the world. Other will be created and that's all.

For the "lot of other stuff", I meant, a court for example. With all the staff needed to make laws. A space agency. And so on. A nation could have hundreds of entity like this. I don't know them in Quebec, I don't have the map and like if I know what the U.S did on their side.

If I would create a nation, it would have a lot of stuff that I'm not aware of because I need to create them with my state. And this will take me a year to start and decade to have all the rest.

So how it work for me

It's not hard to understand about how it work. I claim society exist. And there is many of it. They have deal together and they make it work right now like this. These society are well organized and there is a hierarchy into each of it. Maybe there is king in some and other form of government in others.

Now it appear that not a single one is interested in me. I got no invitation whatsoever and I'm 33. For the rest that are not in the society, that have no rank, I call them the back of slave, back of metier and back of ouvrier. They most of the time work for one of the society and most likely for cash and some other are just paid by the society to live and not work.

There is also maybe some community that are not in the societys and in my book for me they just live on the territory on some society and they have nothing to do with them. A family can be call a community.

Now it appear that the deal they have does not fulfill God exigence or does not make it work correctly. So what they need to do is to make other deal to make it work. God pretend that I'm here for that but I claim I'm just a philosopher that said to everybody how I'd make it work on my side. We'll see with the future but I doubt God will make me join one society or do anything more than what I'm doing right now.

jeudi 5 mars 2015

I will repeat again

For me, each nation is supposed to have his king and his state. This king need to be elected and supported.

Now I don't know how they work and they don't want to explain me. So I have no clue how they work.

According to the rumours, there is no king or any royal state at command right now. And the situation will get worse trough time. It's not working correctly in other words or working partially.

So we need to find a king. We need to give him the mandate to make a state and correct our problems. The society and the bac need to vote and support him and his royal state.

I wish they could ask question but for me it's all clear about how it work on earth and with God.

Why you should vote for me

Some sort of echo just ring in my head and ask me why should we vote for you. God pretend it come from a dev from epic. This sound another lie but anyway since I never did it, I'll explain why you should vote for me.

I do a note right now. You don't just vote for me, you vote for me team. And my criteria is good people that are nationalist and patriotic.

First because you have no choice. The others parties are not going well to not say go nowhere potent. Second I'm the relève and there is nobody else for the job here in my region. Which is Quebec to not say the U.S and Canada.

So third, like I said, we are not a bunch of crooks that work as double agent for a rival nation that want to hurt us. We are clean and not corrupted. At least I am and seek for team members or party members that will be clean. To add to this, we are smart, we are strong, we are enough axé ou wicked in other words to make it work.

Than I claim that I got a solution to all our problems. Of course it come with drastic solution. That goes to everybody should start carpooling to move the people from their house. But I'm not going to do drastic solution until we need it. And it sound like we need it in a near future, could be now.

While the other parties don't give a fuck about anything, use drugs like crazy, commit suicide and wait for the end of the world.

Also the other parties appear to have some problems with the corruption level of their organization. In other words, they are not working for Quebec or the U.S. They are working for making fun and their own pocket.

Than come the fact that we are not one million like the fm pretend they are. We are like 200 to 2000 and we are electronic. So we save cash and human resources for other stuff. We work all the time and we are committed to make it work.

Last thing that come to my mind right now. We don't ask for million in pay. We say that if things are voted in the direction of social income class, we say that we take as great leaders, 80 000 each a year. Not millions.

We do not use drugs, we sell drugs on election about it. We are no crazy and make nonsense.

And finally, I close this by saying that if I need to be elected, our greatest challenge will be to deal with all the party, all the society, all the community and find a solution so we can live together. This is far from them that take all the drugs for themselves.

Now for the rest that I can do, see the cosmos debate. I'm not here to rape poor girls and torture innocent people. I'm here to either be a philosopher, what I guess I will stay or be a king. Not a mafia entity.

mercredi 4 mars 2015

Addition to the last post (Hal exo)

The point of this exo for me is to give the chance to the workers to force less and work less. A new day of work if not as painful as it was in the past with this thing.

Now this need to be tested like I said so we can see if my theory are right and if the thing is enough advanced to be use right now or we need to wait more so the technology get better.

I'm not a great merchant so I can't take deal with the Japaneses for now. I just do my philosopher job for now and say that I need to try it, or someone smart need to first. Than I'd buy 3 of it at the price of 25k each. These units will be for the pilot project. The PP will last one year and report need to be fulfill by those who tried it. Than we take the decision to buy more or not.

Of course before starting this PP, we need to take the pulse of Quebec citizen and see if they want that or not. If they want, we start. If they don't we wait.

So a company need to raise their hand and do the PP. We need 3 worker of the construction or any other job that need that that I'm not aware of and these 3 worker need to be smarter than the normal people. They need to be progressive, patriotic and nationalist. If we can't fulfill these points, I'm not in.


Hal exo

I've been watching this for a while now and CODAW has been released. Now I heard they started the mass production of Hal exosuit in Japan I think. This is what I though: We're going exo.

So if I were powerful here in Quebec, I buy at least 5 of them and try it with a very progressive company. Could be construction or whatever.

Than after the tryout we could decide if we want more or not. And than maybe all construction worker will get that someday. I'd wear one for sure or try it.

Here a good video about it:

mardi 3 mars 2015

About my situation

There is theory that it's not God which is not normatif, it's them. They can kill me, they do not want. It's not God that need to change and put me back on my feet, it's the society.

Than, they need to give me command so I can explain it all.

I'm not sure myself on this subject. I prefer to say that God give me half emperium victoria right now and that he could stop toturing me for rising my indice and status so I can start by elected and so people can start thinking of voting for me and rising me as King or so.

In my case, what ever happens, as soon as I can, I killself and this only for the titties. Also, I do that if I have no friends. Get untarded, I don't give a shit about your goodies and money, I want my body to be as it should have be without the attack and there is no way out now.

So I will repeat again for the deaf and the crazy people around

Crazy people around like the ugly and crazy homer that always ask question such as, what do we do as ugly in your world but keep repeating that he kill everybody at once for fun with the devil and cannot share a single penny of his fortune.

Now I will repeat, that if they have declass by way that I can't know because it's really subjective of the order, I have no solution to that.

If you want to have hostage, I think we can all agree that we need people or army to keep them as slave by force. So now who is going to explain me who is going do to that here? Because so far, the police told me they need cash for doing that. Cash that I'm not sure that I'm going to have. We're talking about the R system, cash is over with this system.

If they want to do such a thing, I mean taking a lot of hostage, I think they need a large force to do that. And I don't have this force right now and anyway, I don't do that even if I can.

Like I said God won't give emperium victoria and they need to have society constructed and than take deal with other society to make it work in my region. They need to force together and adopt laws and other deal to make it work.

If they want me as king, they need to vote for me and take me. We're far from that.

So what I mean with this post is, I have no solution of scheme to declass and nobody here explain me how it can be done. Even God don't. So...

For classing I got a solution but again, I need to be elected by at least one society and than by the others to create a monarchy that is going to tell to everybody what they need to do to make it work.