lundi 16 mars 2015

Now God talk about the emperor of the whole world

Must be a joke or something, anyway, I report again what is going on in my cosmos.

So God claim that king of Quebec is not enough for me and that emperor of the whole world should be better.

Well let's have fun than if he want so.

It won't be that hard imo to manage the whole world. Of course if would be a bigger job than only Quebec but it does not sound complicated to me to create an imperial state. And the reason of this is because of the universality of the problems. I say that we all share the same culture or way of life and that only the production is different. So this said, a solution to us, quebecers, is a solution to all of us.

So in this situation, I need kings and lords to complete the imperial state and it appear that I won't choose them all as I want to. God appear to choose them most of the time. I'd be the king emperor of Québec and I will manage this country and be able to manage than the rest of the world. The king and th lord just need to do like me for the major problem and for the rest of the problems, I will choose which one I can take care of and the rest of the problems cannot be solve by me. Ask God or your leaders.

So the day this will start, I will have a much greater life and I will just start by doing my king job and create a royal state here in Quebec. Than I'll make a imperial state for the rest of the world.

We start by: the transport problem and than we go the the natality rate problem. And than we got the building problem and so on.

Btw, I'll have a queen and the other kings and lords interested should be prepare to do 17 or watch it frequently.

Last thing, if you want the join the imperial state or should I say what I call the commonwealth you need to accept the world equity and homogenie and also the rendement. It mean that for each number of pop, we need to give an amount of work in hours. As I do this whole organization, new stuff and requirement will be for being in the commomwealth. 

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