jeudi 19 mars 2015

What's my job right now in Quebec and what is the state again

Again, for me and in my dictionary, that I'm going to publish btw, the state is an entity that own the power and that can do a lot of stuff. So again I just want to point that I'm not the state and I don't see any entity that can be called state. The entity that we got here can be call archaic state, central and society.

So I doubt I'll ever have enough power and knowledge to declare myself as the state someday. But if God start and do what I want to do let's see what I can do right now.

Btw, I pretend myself right now as the red party and the Quebec and international GOV. And I'm possibly one of the gov. I'm not aware of fully aware that some other entity govern the region.

So what I can do right now imo. Important to say imo because God could or have pretend that this kind of things is not my job at all.

  • Take control of the bridge maker and do the right bridge. This point require some work and a lot of knowledge. But overall and or at the end it mean that new bridge are not constructed. It mean that we are trying to abolish the rule of 30. So for those who did not follow, it mean that we rebuild the first bridge that has been build in a far past before expending our roads and bridge. Imo, this point could be all done with my leadership.
  • Make a common program for the hospital so it could be much easier to take appointment with the hospital as businessman or as simple citizen. This require some work of me and I need a good medium size team of computer engineers. Software engineers.
  • Create an union in Quebec that goes in the direction of the reproduction. Create laws so the people and the business man need to make child.
  • Create a program that will make teams to pick up the remains of the collapsed bridge. An emergency plan need to be build so the company in question that can do that will perfectly know what they need to do when the major such as the Métropolitaine will collapse.

If I grow here and if I get more powerful with time. I could do much more business and for example, I could deal with other nation for exchanging product. I could also lead huge project such as the creation of a new video card factory.

Meanwhile as a remember, if God and the society is correct, I should live and work with my wife and have kids.

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