mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Car or Bus, mini study

I will just do this mini/short study to give an idea of the debate. If God start doing more with me, I'll have staff and they'll make larger study.

For the Bus(in carpooling world):

Lower price for the new piece
Lower price to repair
I'm not even sure of this both affirmation but I'll go with this for now.

Take less roads
So we can have more worker for the roads

Against the Bus(in carpooling world):

They need to be construct and it would take decades.
Public stuff, public chair
A lot of people in the same container(place restrain)
Less mobility(require to go at the arrêt)

For the Cars(in carpooling world):

All the factory are already made
High mobility
4 by cars instead of 60 by bus

Against the Cars(in carpooling world):

High price for new
High price for repair
Take a lot of space on roads

Lux is possible for both. But for the public transport a system need to made while for cars all system is here and need to be maintain.

So if I have the staff, I could bring the numbers about the price. And this could play a lot in the decision. Most likely, it would be the reason why the people of all class could want to change for bus.

In my case, I vote to keep the cars for now until I got more info. But if the price ask for new cars if very high, I'll suggest to repair and route our current cars. Also if I can't get attacked too much.

lundi 28 septembre 2015

The car or the bus in the New World

It appear that some miss it: It must be because the whole upper class and dominant class hide it and don't talk about it: The revolution of the transport will be force and the world won't be the same; I even say now that it will be a New World with another way to transport ourselves.

Now this lead us to a question, should we keep the car or should we go with public transport and so the bus and train. And the reason why I bring this question is because I'm sure that when things will change about transport in our country, when the roads will collapse, the car won't be love at all and all will hate it to the point that the question of the bus or the car will able to be bring. Now because I have no affair with the car industries and because either what I do they take me out imo, I see no problem to start bringing the question.

So far, I did not though that much about the question. I need to work on it. And why I'm alone? We need to make study about the subject so we can make up our minds. I think that both transport has its good and bad points.

So I'll do my study and I'll bring the result. Others could do it and bring me the result. Than I'll announce it here and we're going to vote. For who vote, it will be more clear when I'll get more info about intelligence class and social hierarchy.

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Who work more or does the greatest

This questions has been bring in my mind a while back with the echo of some people that claim their work are much greater than mine.

Here an example of the work:
And it goes with this the computer hardware and the cars and a lot of other stuff.

So I'm agree to say that right now they does much more than me. But I will say that speaking to the whole planet at once all day long is not nothing either.

Than I'll say that if I want to reach their greatness, I'll need to be at the command of a E State I would have done by myself and get more stuff like TV emissions of my politics and games. With the E competition I could do if I'm in a good position.

I'm kind of agree that even than, I'd not say that I'm much bigger but maybe somehow even. Owning the power is not nothing and I believe it could be only given to people that are great. Also, if I reborn or if my bro, that are like me, clone, they will be boss of the interplanetary someday and tell me this is nothing.

Quite more dangerous as we can see what happens to me.

When I started here in the cosmos, the first guy I started to speak with so I guess the who YOU sent me said that me and my bro never did anything for mankind. Today I'm now an major player of the revolution and more.

lundi 14 septembre 2015

How my encryption is working now. Name: Fractional Clock encryption for Client-Server Transmission

I write this in English because I think more people around me understand this language.

If you don't know what to do, if you don't know how to encrypt, I suggest to do mine.

Frac ----> 1/2 <---- Dem

Both computer need to be set on the same clock, nano precision.

All transmission are in packets of 100 bytes. One Byte = 1 digit. 1010 = 4 bytes.

The clock will receive from a generator 4 dem for each time. So 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1,16. Time 1 is seconds, time 2 is minutes, time 3 is hours.

When the clock hit 12:30:25, there is 4 dem for each clock.

Now I'm going to devide the paquet in the numbers of dem I have.

100 divided by 12 dem = 8 and so.

The 12 series location in the packet is appointed by generator. The series is a term in that model.
So first dem will change the first series digit to (randomly generated)

What it does:

It change the 100 bytes for something else randomly generated. The server change the bytes and the client know the keys with the common clock.

I'm not claiming that this encryption is totally secure. I'm not in encryption and this need to be test. It's the only one I got. I admit that programming this is mind blowing and maybe take some times to even me.

If you read this a lot you should understand if you're smart. I'm sure I can understand what I wrote.

Update: I can't even understand my own stuff after a day, But I could work on the article to explain it to me so for all. But God does not allow to work more on it. The moral of this story is that something like this need to writen and than read days after been writen and edited so the own writer can understand and so all.

dimanche 13 septembre 2015

Carpooling will be hard

Before I start this article, remember that I'm an ignorant and that there could be other solution to this like knowing well the social hierarchy and spot the criminal or Crotus that way.
I pretend that we can stop the criminals and they can be criminals. I pretend that they can avoid carpooling and mess our world completely and we can stop them. 

So I say that when we start carpooling, we're going to have a lot of Crotus assholes that drive the cars like if there is no problem. So I say that we need a big mechanized Millicia to hunt them down. And they need hammer with MG on it. They need to shoot at sight the Crotus.

This is how I pretend it should work: There is the roads and the boulevard. There is the car carpooled and the car not full. There is those that go take the other carpooler and there is the Crotus. So to find the Crotus everybody that are not 4 in the cars need to use the boulevard at the right lane only with a max speed of 30km/h. That way, the Millicia will be able to find the Crotus. They can arrest the car and do a check up. If they don't stop, they shoot on sight. If they caught them: Max torture.

The mechanized Millicia need to shot only on clear target and avoid to shoot the civil and the house. I need to do a drawing to explain how they need to do that.

In my case, I do not only do that. I will also take out with max torture any Crotus that claim they are going to do that when carpooling start.

Good luck and keep work hard for us and God.

mardi 8 septembre 2015

My phase for starting carpooling

Note that this is somehow a draft and I could work on it a lot.


  1. Get elected
  2. Find a general for each Bureau
  3. Do a global cencus
  4. Make the math about how much car can use the roads
  5. 6x less car can use the roads
  6. The other that we keep need to move or work at home
  7. Make the software and the system so some can work at home
  8. Ready up the 24 CAT machine with all the stuff require
  9. Choose which bridge to pick up
  10. Make an emergency plan for the CAT when some fall
  11. Make an emergency plan for the people that use car when so fall

I pretend it would take me like 3 month to do that. I need a good team and most importantly a network and good software engineer.

samedi 5 septembre 2015

What God and the nation should have do and should do

Now that I know what I am and who I am, I claim that when I was young, about 5, I should have been given one million a month for building my own Quebecers society and of course receive the info to make it. I claim that God should do that now. Note that it could be more with time and I'd live at 1000$ each month by couple right now and even more if it's always rich on Earth. But on this point, I wouldn't mind to be at communist rate.

Who giving me the cash? Just the bank or the society under it. They need to give me my share from the flux and from the taxes.

My arguments is: Who got the cash right now? Hercules? Only crazy huge size society? Bs, I could have it and I should have it if they were correct.

And it would be call the Red Society. Need a drawing about what we do?

Note: I admit that because of the fucked up situation: Crime in town and mad capitalism, it could be understandable that God did not do that. But a question of morality, I pretend that God should have do that. Just to give an idea about how God is incorrect.

mercredi 2 septembre 2015

So what we need to do

This is in the case that the people is interested to find a solution to all our problem and avoid to loose cars and do the death walk to return home.

I need to be elected at 90% of the nation to be able to put in place a Royal State.
If this would happens, the first order will be ALL CEASE TO WORK and use the cars. Nobody use the car beside full car pooling.
Than I'll start building my Royal State.
I need computer and the network said the internet could be useful.
Than I need to take the candidate application for all Royal Bureau.
I need to select them, I expect it would take me a month.
Meanwhile I need to start SecureX OS for the computers of the State.
Than I need to make the car pooling either with SecureX or the existing network. Most likely, I'd use the current network because SecureX won't be ready.
Than I need to move a lot of people and possibly make vote.
Meanwhile I'll start to get information about the nation and most importantly about the current social hierarchy.
Than the car pooling is engage.
Than I need to work on the State to make it work well.
Than I'll tell what is the rest that need to be done, expect vote.

I don't know any other solution than that.

If God give me power, it's about the same anyway!