dimanche 29 mars 2015

So what's up with me and drugs and why I want to start selling it

First let's start that I don't use drug more than a week and as long as God is ok with me like he is ok with many people, I won't use drug more than a week and not in big quantity and also it's good to note that it is his request that I use drugs because otherwise I would not at all. I hate drugs, for me, it's for the poor.

Now why I want to start selling some. First and for most because I can't do sophisticated things such as door and painting boss that contract. Everything is secret and there is a lot of people here. Also I claim that God won't ever allow me to be sophisticated. And drugs is very easy to sell and manage imo, very. Compare to the rest. And very lucrative.

So because I need money and btw not much and because it would help me from the fact that I need financing from my friends that they worked hard to make their cash, I could have my own cash from my own business. Note that not much for now, if I manage to grow a lot, I'd be rich or little rich, this again is God request.

Also I could prove what me and God can do to the assembly and maybe than receive a promotion or a membership to a great organization.

For the legality of the drugs, this is hard and complicated topic. But I will say that to me, it is not illegal to do what I want to do or not correct or criminal. What is not correct is making crack in such quantity that the whole town use it all day long. In my scheme drugs is rare and expensive. So to me it's a service to the population.

It is good to note again that I'm young, 7 years old to be correct and that I could do mistake. I have no friends whatsoever and nobody give me any light or comment here in the blog. I can't progress or correct myself in this case.

I'm interested to take control of the drugs anywhere I'm invented to and in Quebec I claim it's my right to take it and my market that God should have GIVE TO ME.

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