lundi 9 mars 2015

What deal the society need to take

For me the most important deal that the society need to take are:

-Who work
-What are the income class and who get the money
-Who's rich
-Who get the good food
-Who get the drug
-Who need to reproduce
-Who get all the rest of the goodies
-What are the restriction of the money and do we need the R system

Than the question is, who is going to manage the state and all its entity. What is going to be the job of this state.

For example, who will manage the hospital. Who will manage the money printing.

Now to all these question, I have no clue. It's not my idea to live rich and not work. I have no solution to that. In my realm, it's all the same pay and everybody work and everybody reproduce.

So again, I got no clue on these question. And if God start a negotiation with me as a leader of it. We'll see what they are going to say about that.

So far what a lot of parties say is : fuck you we commit suicide. But I pretend that God will possibly force them to find a solution, so we'll see than and until then, ON GLANDE.

Another great question is about the internet, who get it? Who get the bandwidth?

Another great question about the commonwealth is which car company we keep and which one we close?

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