mercredi 31 décembre 2014

How the private company work with the Royal State

As we know, there is some private company here that do a lot of stuff.

So a representative need to be chosen to talk to the Royal State.

Than they need to register to the website just like the painters. This website need to be a little more complicated. All company need to be place in category for example. And a lot of more stuff will be add with time. If I don't have the time, it will just be the minimum possible.

Than if the King and its team judge that these company can receive their R, and if yes they will. This is it. They got green permit to take the resources from the other entity that make the resources. Than these company sell their product on their own or send them to the store. Simple as that.

If the internet brake out and the phone too. Well again I need to know more about the cosmos but it will for sure be written on a paper plan and message will be sent by car. To gather the company info, they just need to find a connecting post and ask them who they need to talk if they are make shoes. The connecting post will send them to the concern. Simple as that.

The concern in this situation will be the local of the clothing of Quebec. The connecting post got info about this local on a list. The local of clothing is directly connected to the King.

Now to clarify the 4th paragraph and make it clear that it still in the market. The king will judge that if the people want this product or not and if he got enough resources to make it work. He need the natural resources and the human resources. If he don't, then end for the company, they need to find the connecting post again and ask them the info for the mutation process.

I don't understand, it's quite easy for me to explain and understand.

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