vendredi 26 décembre 2014

How my computer would work if I had the power to do what I want to

So far, I'd have 2 computers. One laptop and one gaming machine.

For the gaming computer, it would run on what it run now. But I expect aother version of Windows that is more safe. If none exist, I'd try to safe it and use it only for games.

The laptop would run on another os. This os would come with a browser and everthing the browser need. Than nothing more can be install on this computer. To update firefox, the laptop need to be open and the momery card change. There is a little writtable memory unit on it and it's for the os and browser options. Very little memory card for that. For the rest, more I found 100% safe and secure programs that are useful such as youcam, more I install them with the os.

This is it, if God do not allow anybody to enter my house, I'm 100% safe with this system. And the reason why I want to do that is because I found not really possible to close the doors open on the internet, I pretend there is millions of doors while there is only one door to look at at my house.

And last thing, I would spread this OS. It think it would even be open source.

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