mercredi 31 décembre 2014

About the food

Good to know for a start that since God and me tend to believe it's somekind of democracy that rule this place, I can't have rich then, since it's the electora that decide and most likely don't want to make rich and pay for them with tax or working time. This said, no need for luxury food.

So I claim that if God and the society would have been correct, the food would be a vast number of different cereal only with spices and other vegetable that can be made in mass production like the cereal. The reason why I choose cereal is because first they don't get rotten or not as much as the rest of the food, example, meat and vegetable that need special oil and can to be preserve. Second, for it' low cost. Third because it bring equity in the society or the nation. 4th, nothing needed to cook, no refrigerator. Now read this paragraph again and understand how costly is this kind of food is for what it give as the 5th argument: the price of this goodie for what it give. 5 minutes meal for 100 dollar. Ridiculous, 60$ game for 10 hours if not 300 hours in case of COD.

The fact is, so far, the food market or the people that make the food and pass it in the society cannot explain me how this work. They just have no clue. Now it's not my idea this kind of food, it's their and even if I wanted to find a solution about it, I got none. Is it normal that I pay tax for someone that eat at mcdonald?

So again, I don't understand what is going on with the food nor what will happens. I doubt God will make a revolution in that sector because he keep asking for rich and keeping this food. But as we know, the roads are falling apart and the water could brake up so there is a possibility imo for a revolution in that sector.

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