vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Recap of my beauty class

A recap from my new mental state...

Okay so I don't suggest to use the on ten rating and why: First I pretend that kind of rating is probably use by the evil for some bad manipulation like always. Second, if you tell me this Avril Lavigne:

Is just 6 out of 10, as a mean that she is not worth shit, you're wrong. I say ok, she's a six, but a six at school is plain bad. Is she plain bad? No.

So saying she is a Bella make more sense to me. Or a prettie in English for now. In French bella is a nice term that represent beauty and Bella is a high class.

My class for facial beauty:

From best to worst

  1. Ultra-Belle----Ultra-Pretty
  2. Belle---Pretty
  3. Petite Belle---Small Pretty
  4. Belle Fraction----Fraction Pretty
  5. Bella------Prettie
  6. Plus X1 to X10
  7. Par pir---Not bad
  8. Moins belle---Less pretty
It appear that as I think about it, it could receive a title blonde plus the class if she's blonde. And maybe red too. Not sure for red but about sure for blonde.

So the class 1 and 2 is supreme and the 3 is near supreme. The class 4 is awesome. The class 5 is very good and the class 6 is sometimes good to for sure ok. The class 7 is soso and the 8 is hell.

For the body, my class are:

  1. Perfect
  2. Very good
  3. Good
  4. ok
  5. Bad
All these class(but perfect) can receive a tittle of D for default. Lower case d for minor default and uppercase D for higher default. Double D for two major default and so on.

For the body beauty, it could be complicated than that but for now it will be this. Also, for the facial beauty, there is plus the class the category and one of them is call Euphoria and it's a great one.

When I'll have volunteer and when I'll be bigger, I'll do a web site with photo and video. These girls are not whore nor pornographe, they are science model.

I'll do the same for mens.

Congrats I'd be in top for all class even maybe for the category that could have class too(Inquiring).

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