mardi 2 septembre 2014

The point with the ET

It's because I don't want to be in a fool conciseness. By this I mean that we are not the center of the universe and that the ET does not exist and most likely what we see in the sky is just a pure bs from God.

So this is it, until some people I can trust assure me that they exist, unit that I see them by myself, until I make contact. I won't say that the ET exist or at least I'll say that they are not here and I'm not sure if we're or not the center of the universe.

This said, if they hide it, I guess it could be for what I'm just doing right now. And looking at the fact that the jew has some power and the catholic church still around, look at this I guess it could be a  lot to do with their personal agenda. And looking at this maniac, they could hide it for a long time and pretend themself Gods or whatever.

I personally believe that we should let the people believe that they exist if they does. Until than, I say maybe in the universe and not on earth. The reason why I want to tell everybody is because I personally believe it would be much better for science and progress to create a mass conciseness with ET as neighborhood.

Also, I found out the reason why they could appear sometimes and this is just by logic, to give us a et conciseness. 

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