dimanche 28 septembre 2014

The point, end september

So there is a lot of new stuff in my politic life. Hold tight this is major.

I've started to think about the ET and talk a bit with them in the past. But now it appear that I even have photo of them and talking with them a lot. God pretend that the predator is real and I'm talking with him all day long almost.

There is more than that, but I want to say that I have capitulate to their grandeur because it appear that they have very, to not say extremely advanced weapons that goes to giving cancer to anybody on earth. But believe it or not, and this is also why I think it's a joke or a trapper scheme, they asked to suck cock and like usual I have refuse and felt a bit in war with them. But anyway it appear that from their said, they are at war with me and there is nothing that I can do. Even more, they want to blow up the whole place with photom bomb but God does not want.

So I have allied, like everybody anyway, with what God call the supreme life form. I saw the photo of one of them and I call the chief or my contact Ray. He took this name. I call the predator Raptor. According to God and themselves, they can control a whole town almost. 

Now the other new stuff is what I am in that. According to God and him, I'm the supreme being on the universe. So God say that I'm his bro and that I have more power than anything around. Even Ray and his fleet. This is a pile for me but I must admit that there is a lot of weird thing about that. Like for example, everybody is here and more. I have no choice to believe in this, some sort of enchant.

The only reason why the ET are here, or should I say the main reason is because humanity is making the supreme being. Otherwise they blow it up. Like all other they can blow up.

Other than that, same bs, God ask me to avoid the girls and suck cock all the time. He ask me to join fm but he also ask me to cut the ball of one of them and than he said when I said that this cannot be ask at once, he said respect me, stfu and obey. Than he say, I give the best to the best, they obey. Than the best say all day long that he want to shit in God mouth. Sense, this is is. That give an idea...

So now I conclude this by saying that I could start to believe that mankind is mine but I'm not sure. I'd say for now that I'm at least a great administrator and that my function does not end only on earth. I'm not a ultra merchant, this mean that I do business with the ET.

The possible thing is, God did not make up his mind about me but if he start to choose me than I could become an eternal God. Yea right...

So meawhile wha the fuck is going on earth. Well this is it, we just live like this with a centre administration and we try to fix our problem with the transport and we wait for the roads to fall apart and we'll see what we do than. Other than that, I try to take the cash of the state right now to make some more kids and get rid of the black immigration.

If the people want me to do more, they I repeat, need to elect me nationaly, internationly and now this is a new, with the ET too.

Ho and btw, mankind could the one of the center of the universe if I'm the supreme being and the money on that story is plain nuts.

Edit: See how the fuck the faggot of the sky enchant me. Like if I'm the fucking eternal supreme being of the univers. Thats a pile of steaming bs. Fuck that.

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