mardi 30 septembre 2014

How does God see how should work the society

There is a lot of class and caste. There is the caste of the rich, the gov, the engeneir, the ouvrier, the trademans and the slave. More will come as I rise in knowledge. For the class, there is the class of income, beauty and age.

For the rich, it sound like God want some to be spread and some other to live in the same community near each other like the fubar Homer. It is unclear how this community should work and I've start to think about it with God. It appear that they could have prositute but what about the pretty people in that, this is again unclear. This community is very limited too, I'm not sure what is the number but I doubt it pass the number of 1000. The only thing they does in this community is having fun. No work, or maybe no work for those who want it like this.

For the rest of the rich, they are spread all over the place and it's not clear about what they does in life. This need to be clarify with God and the Quebec leaders and representative. Again being rich for me is having many services, the good food, the super cars and it appear that for some, it is also having prostitute.

The difference between the tradesman the and the ouvrier is the complication of the work an wage. Ouvrier tend do to a simple repetitive job.

In my case I'd be a spread rich or another small community of 10 people that do not use any prostitute at all. None. No fun for me, prostitute is most silly thing to do imo: sharing his gf is plain dumb.

For the caste of the gov, they are elected by I'm not sure whom for now. They change a lot in this current regime but tend to not change a lot in my regime. Because it is a bad idea to me to change what is good and do well for us. Again, even if they do well, they need to be elected.

In my case I pretend that I'm already the quebec gov and that I'm the philosopher or the political mentor that stand just near the king chair in the assembly. Of course, I'm far from be there in real but I pretend that I'm there for now.

For the custom, it appear that God does now want a age classing like I want. But it is not clear how this bs could work. Imo, to do what he asking for, it need a army and I heard that this army is the oil that we're going to loose and this army said to me lot of time that they need to be pay a lot to do this kind of job.

Without this army, I pretend that they could have some problem to steal the little girl to the guy teen and could have a lot of problem to declass in beauty. This I'm not sure, I need more info to tell.

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