mardi 24 février 2015

I'm sure I don't need much people for making that state and a new word

Some people pretend that a huge team is needed to make a team. We can see this affirmation in the fm and in the koc. I'm not agree at all.

First we are in the modernity and computer and internet exist and it's functional. So I need much less people to make a working state now compare to the past. But it's good to say that even in the past, I did not needed a lot of people. I claim that I could need like 2000 more people without the net and the computers.

So I repeat that if God want me to create a state to fix our problem in the region, I'm first going to make investigation about if the net and the computer will be online without any problem and than, I'll use it. That's my guess, I'll use it.

Now for the new word. If I claim there is no need of a huge team to make a state, this is physically, because meta-physically it's not sure. I mean by this term that God does something in another world and not only in the world we see. So this is call a meta-physic rule now. We'll see if it exist or not...

To be more clear on the new term, I'd say that: God has two world, the one we see and another one. In this other world he need to do things that could be like, turning the people has happy as possible. There could be other laws or things that he need to obey or do. And one of them could be that he need a large state with a lot of members that some of them could do not much things beside being in this organization and defend its base. This is just a theory from what God say to me all day long.

Why do we need to have as less as possible people in the state. This is simply because first there is a lot of people that observe what I do here and if I give a pension to some people that does not work, this equal to stealing in my book. I claim that if we are correct, we all need to work the same amount of time each week. This is if I need to be correct to have as much as possible people with me not if God give me imperium victoria. Because in this case, I expect God to give the chance to not work to a lot of people just like now. And as I remember I claim he won't ever give that to anybody. I claim a king of a state need to be elected by first an elite and than maybe a lot of people in the popular class.

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