mercredi 29 avril 2015

About the high tech games and me and the regime

Where is my share? The games they gave me in life? Than it's a no. And you better don't be with the implant otherwise you need to clean it and clean also my computer.

Now what kind of power God give us and what kind of power we got to be that rich? Where is the information? So until I got this information, I can't be in the coup of the high tech games and high luxury. I do not have the right nor the opportunity to get rich at this point.

And if you want me in, what's the plan? No plan, no in.

If God ask me to make it run, than it's all fine, I'll do it. So for now he appear interested but he could be kidding. Otherwise, otherwise that God don't ask me, you're on your own, piss off, everything goes off here.

Note: The whole car industrie will fell part and close, the road system will be fubar and you tell me it could not happen that the high tech games disapear for a while? UP TO YOU to say that.

Note2: Ho yea and you better clean the fags around me too, otherwise no deal too. I don't hang with fags, never did and never will. Where's the girls? Also, on this topic, do I look pretty if I'm repair? Keep grama, fatass, ugly ass, ugly face for u.

Note3: Don't like me tone? Want a truce? 

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