lundi 8 juin 2015


I'm not saying that any AI is possible. There is AI in games that make a lot of sense. And I think they could get better with time with a good organization. But to say that the t-1000 is possible, I'm not agree at all. If you can't see the difference between walking with the t-1000 and setting up a brand new home theatre with a t-1000, if you can see the difference between a bot for auto planes and a bot for auto cars, than I can't do anything for you. You can only trust me and follow me.

So I could do a deal with the people that pretend the t-1000 is possible. We'll do a quest or a competition. What they need to do is make a robot and the robot need to open any door it will encounter. And new one that has not been known of the bot programmers. I pretend it's impossible. I pretend that to do that, all the doors need to be scripted and in the data base of the bot. I say that there is no way that a program can analyze a new door with a new handle and find a way to open it. So everything need to be in the database, cmon. Also, note that it is possible to make you believe it's the program that opened the door while it's the remote control. I know only R4 that can verified. CIA is selling hotdog.

The Red Party declare the t-1000 impossible to be done. And I suspect major corruption for financing due to the demand of robots for police force. 

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