jeudi 5 mars 2015

Why you should vote for me

Some sort of echo just ring in my head and ask me why should we vote for you. God pretend it come from a dev from epic. This sound another lie but anyway since I never did it, I'll explain why you should vote for me.

I do a note right now. You don't just vote for me, you vote for me team. And my criteria is good people that are nationalist and patriotic.

First because you have no choice. The others parties are not going well to not say go nowhere potent. Second I'm the relève and there is nobody else for the job here in my region. Which is Quebec to not say the U.S and Canada.

So third, like I said, we are not a bunch of crooks that work as double agent for a rival nation that want to hurt us. We are clean and not corrupted. At least I am and seek for team members or party members that will be clean. To add to this, we are smart, we are strong, we are enough axé ou wicked in other words to make it work.

Than I claim that I got a solution to all our problems. Of course it come with drastic solution. That goes to everybody should start carpooling to move the people from their house. But I'm not going to do drastic solution until we need it. And it sound like we need it in a near future, could be now.

While the other parties don't give a fuck about anything, use drugs like crazy, commit suicide and wait for the end of the world.

Also the other parties appear to have some problems with the corruption level of their organization. In other words, they are not working for Quebec or the U.S. They are working for making fun and their own pocket.

Than come the fact that we are not one million like the fm pretend they are. We are like 200 to 2000 and we are electronic. So we save cash and human resources for other stuff. We work all the time and we are committed to make it work.

Last thing that come to my mind right now. We don't ask for million in pay. We say that if things are voted in the direction of social income class, we say that we take as great leaders, 80 000 each a year. Not millions.

We do not use drugs, we sell drugs on election about it. We are no crazy and make nonsense.

And finally, I close this by saying that if I need to be elected, our greatest challenge will be to deal with all the party, all the society, all the community and find a solution so we can live together. This is far from them that take all the drugs for themselves.

Now for the rest that I can do, see the cosmos debate. I'm not here to rape poor girls and torture innocent people. I'm here to either be a philosopher, what I guess I will stay or be a king. Not a mafia entity.

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