mercredi 18 mars 2015

About the natality rate

I don't understand. While God torture me all day long he keep getting rich the people that does not give a fuck about anything like W.Bush. I don't understand, while I'm the only one saying everybody should have kids, I see a lot of people saying the opposite and the same people live rich meanwhile. And now God say, I give the best to the best and those who did well. That make a lot of sense to me.

So to talk again about the problem, well I say that the leaders perfectly know why they have a problem about it and I guess that God will change the order soon to solve the problem.

This said the problem are:
  • Leaders getting elected with the program of no obligation to have kids to everybody
  • Company that search for worker and get some with the right to not have kids to their employees.
  • Elite members that think they can have absolution, so it mean they think they can have the right to have no kids. Problem is, we're full of elite people.
  • Homosexual that don't want kids and create no kids town(Gay village)
  • Great leaders like me that can't have kids because of the cry babies the want them to suck cock.
  • Declassing and sexual slavery. They don't make mom, they make whores. 
Now don't tell this is not the fault of God what is going on. On what he did to me, it's all clear: It's his bs.

So now I don't understand. I feel like God tell us we need to fight to bring back the normality. Like if we need to fight against him and the rest of the bs people around.

This to not count the numbers of town that got no future because of the market, like the cars, and these town will probably create order that work on the opposite side that what we need. And got an influence on the rest.

So I say, have kids like me, whoever you are. Or try to. Join the commission 24 to bring back the natality rate at normal. Be an activist and fight. I say that EVERYBODY should have 2 kids.

Ho and btw, have kids and RAISE THEM. We need them to make cpu, not to suck black cocks and old gran pa cocks.

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