samedi 30 août 2014

This is important in my life

God bring things lately and more yesterday night. He brings the other life form and civilization of the univers.

So he said that the Alien are here, those that look like this:
I will call these in the future the alien. The aliens of the movies alien will get another name.

Now let's say before I write this blog that some people here know if they are here or not. And I would need to know this asap if they think I'm important here. And if they know there is nothing, it mean that God and I presume his friends similar to the fm are trying to put me in a new religion that is going to be good for them. And yesterday, God tried to make me sleep with the alien, joke or try to covert me to the cock?

So I've start talking to them. And I will make you remember that I ignore any alien that is talking to me because I say that they are not here and surely not in this cosmos. I say that doing the opposite would make me a fool.

They are not talking like us nor living like us but they can understand my messages. We made some deal...

And the Araknid exist, God pretend, and wait the insect are weird toward me lately. God say that they are all very interested to me and this is because I'm somehow the center of the univers, cmon... He says that the et of Independace day exist and are searching us trough the univers and that the alien could tell our position but want negociation. Which I did.

This is just a preview of what I said a deal. There is more that I will not talk about here because God ask me to stop talking about this.

Don't send signal to the univers, that imo for now, just listen. We need to find the allies and make the robot quick but the alien don't want them but I have convice them that if I'm strong they won't be a threat to us. Which I'm not sure anymore because I believe now that the terminator could exist and God say that they are trying to born and that the borg too could exist btw.

There is more than that lately. I've seen the univers a little and this is far more big that I tough.

I will finish this by saying that God is call Dieu, that the Devil exist and Horus too.... OMG I'm sure this is bs but according to my mind all this could be right and exist...

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