dimanche 31 août 2014

So what I'm going to do in the case that God or some people bring me up

I think I've said this already but anyway from God request here what I'm going to do.

I mean by bringing me up, that some people or God could start give me information about my society also said nation or country that he could give me the power to take out some people and of course torture and that some people could start to work for me or obey to my order.

In this case what I'm going to do first is well known. I'm going to repair myself and be hot. And than, I'm going to find a gf of my age and see if I can resit to sex or not. From there I will either fuck once a day or never. If God ask me to do it, I have no choice but I don't want to, I really don't want to and I pretend that he could respect that but fifty fifty so far.

Ok than, what I do is I live with my gf that will become my wife and prepare to have kids. Than what I do.

My mandate is to correct the situation of my nation and the international. I will use any kind of power to do so. I will become a great marchant and try to export what we do and import what we need. I will create laws, police, army and my own millice if I can. This millice with do a lot of jobs and for example we could start killing all the fools of the hospital if needed because nobody want do that so far.

Than I just live rich with my friends and this as a remember is if God want or if the society vote for it.

It is also good to note now that I will try to make contact with the ET for various reason. Reason that goes from getting new tech and creating alliance for defense purpose and also voyage in other dimension.

I will also try to create the supreme robot that is going to work all we do and help us to reach the highest level of technologies as soon as possible. Less people that paint, more people that research tech.

Than we need colonist and I'm one now, btw this is one of my new title. I'm going to try to colonize the moon if I can and the red moon and than mars. All this if the ET let me pass because I've heard they are not really please of us the humans doing that. But as a remember the ET are under God control, so God with us, We Win.

I will give the signal when the red party will be open to all allies and friends but so far it's not the case because I say that we have no chance due to my relation with God. But if I get in good relation with God, I will tell everybody that I carry light, wisdom and intelligence.

I don't want to revenge. I do not really care about these people that attacked me. For me they are inferior being that suck, double suck! But I'm not sure about this because now I think it's all God fault but things could change. This said, I'm not saying I'm not going to take out some people that attacked me because for example I need people for the 16 and I need to do some other sacrife and I'm not going to close the store of my friends before the store of my enemy,

Also I want to warn the readers here that it look like that from my expectation about how it work, it's going to look like: Bertrand, if you do that, if you keep doing that, as soon as God let me burn you in hell, you leaving us for this trip. I could be mistaken but I doubt they will surender or stop their activity againts me because they think God won't let them down, which I believe too anyway.

This is it. Greetings friends and allies. Peace.

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