vendredi 11 novembre 2016

The Nationalism Definition A1A2

This is the definition of Mak Marceau.


As a human put in an evil world, we need to fight to survive and get what we want. So it is quite logic that humans need to take the weapons and fight. It's also, for MM, a divine duty: Something you need to do for God. Now it's sure that nobody can really live without his Nation. Because the work need to be socialize to survive and just live. So a human being need to take the weapons for a Nation. And I claim that everybody took the weapons for a Nation.

I claim that speaking English is some kind of a Nation and when you defend this language, you are in the Nation of the "Anglophone". It is possible that some are not in a Nation while speaking English but criminals.

So when you take the weapons for a Nation, you defend it so it work and be prosperous. Surely not destroy it. Being a Québecer Nationalist is being someone that fight for Québec for the good of Québec country. It is possible that if you defend Québec Nation and seek to destroy it for whatever reason than you are a traitor instead of another Nationality.

Now the question is what to do for example Québec. It is quite logic that first you work and fight to make it work and try to make it prosperous. Than from that logic, it's quite logic that you don't kill or rape other Quebecers. So you respect the common sense laws of MM.

Than a Nation need an entity and various entity that administer the Nation to make it work. So all Nationalist need to work so these entity work and get obey.

And for Mak Marceau, a King or a Queen is needed to all Nation.

Than we just progress and work to make it better. To make our production better.

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