My solution is these small bus:
The reason why it's a good solution is I think that the line that make the current cars and truck can be change to do these small bus. Also, with these bus and a scheme that I'm going to explain later in the post, our remaining roads will be able to afford these bus.
But now there is the money problem. We need to cut a lot and God ask that everybody in Québec get cut beside maybe the poor on welfare. And if they can't afford a house with their new income, they'll need to move. They'll need to cut their spending.
To keep the food, a system of point could be establish.
And for the scheme, here an example: A bus will start at 8AM from east to west on the road Notre-Dame et full up of people that goes to downtown. They will be sing on the roads. These people will sit in a pre-define section of the bus that is the sector destination in downtown. When the bus will reach the downtown sector, he will than ask someone in one destination sector where he/she go and lead him/her there. He will than take another one in this destination sector and so on until there is nobody left. Than the bus driver will do the next more near sector in the bus.
I'm sure there is a lot of other way to use these bus that could be think.
As a note, God pretend that he won't do that until it collapse. So I'm not sure what we'll need to do than to do these bus and make the worker work again. We'll see than.
If I was the Québec King, I'd start to order this bus now.
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