samedi 29 octobre 2016

Mon programme dans le cas oû il n'y aura pas de catastrophe des transports

Alors je le rappel que selon moi, dans ce cas, nous avons affaire à un État-Factionnel.

Donc si je prend le pouvoir de cet État-Factionnel et que j'instaure une monarchie voilà mon programme:

Dans l'ordre d'importance
  1. Séparer ou rendre indépendant le Québec
  2. Francisé le Québec
  3. Refaire l'aqueduc dans les villes
  4. Faire une millice du Québec
  5. Instaurer de nombreuse ordre avec la millice du Québec utilisant le facsime
  6. Faire une armé du Québec
  7. Faire R4
  8. Ramener le taux de natalité à sa normal
  9. Fondé la Société Rouge
  10. Modernisé et informatisé les écoles

Certains points pourraient avant d'autres. Je ne suis pas sûr.

Évidement que en tant que Roi ou Empereur, je m'occuperais de la production et son développement. Ainsi que la construction de celle si.

La police changerais et deviendrais une vraie police que je commanderais.

Et finalement je le rappel que ce sera le marché libre avec une Nationalisation de certain aspect du marché et la mise en place de régulation.

Mise à jour sur les races et l'immigration

Donc je tiens à écrire ce message parce que les choses ont changées pour moi à ce sujet.

Je prend pour acquis que le viol est minimum au Québec et si je me trompe la dessus alors je ne change pas d'opinion sur ce sujet. J'étais contre l'immigration des noirs parce que je pensais que les races ne se mélangeaient pas et que possiblement que nous avions un problème de viol en ville.

Après réflexion je me rend compte que une des raisons principale pourquoi il y a tant de noir et d'orientaux est que les Québécois aiment bien la diversité racial au niveau des moeurs. Je ne dis que pas que c'est la raison numéro un de leur présence mais pas loin. Je continue de dire que la raison de leur présence est des raisons économiques et sociétaires.

Même moi j'aimerais bien avoir une petite copine noir. Alors depuis ce temps, j'ai changé la dessus.

Par contre, évidement, il me semble qu'il ne devrait pas en avoir trop des immigrant il me semble. Et que les Québécois devraient plustot se reproduire.

My vision of what is intelligence

Natural Force: Natural intelligence. Also known as IQ for some.
XP: Life Experience
Aptitude: Also known as Skillz that can go as far as FPS games or painting
Quality: I meant the quality of the knowledge
Affranchissement: How someone is himself
Force d'indépendance: How strong is somehow to stay himself

So I think these line explain it all. The size of the circle tell how much important these factor are.

vendredi 28 octobre 2016

I want to make note everybody that God does not give me nothing(A1-10)

It appear that God does not give me human product. Not nothing.

It was a time that God was not giving me anything. But by waking me up and giving me a lot of intelligence, I say that God gave me or give a lot.

What God give me:
  • My awesome job that make me don't want to do anything but it
  • My Honor
  • My intelligence
  • My freedom
  • My clean appartment
  • My great girlfriends 
  • A somehow car
  • My potential beauty
  • My charm
  • My skillz
  • Some great games
  • A nice computer
  • Some nice could program such as blogger
  • A nice laptop
Note that it was not written in order importance and that I have not the tool yet to make an order without more work that God does not allow me to do.

And I want to point again that what appear God don't give me or ever did is human product.
Compare to the high social rank people that have infinite human product almost.

 What also God don't give me is a cock and beauty. So I'm in hell like 5% of the pop on that.

And I'll close that with my job, I don't need much.

We could have a Factional-State finally

It come to my mind, surely because of God, that all the cars I meet when I drive a car does not contain any pretty girls. And I'm agree with God, most girls of my age are pretty to my eyes in real.

This said, it appear there is a transport order already.

And also, I have note that Lyne have been push to have a car to go work for someone else. Another proof that there is a transport order.

This said, only a very sophisticated command can do such a thing. So I guess they'll be able to cut the production and do the money reform.

So I'm 50% on the side that it's possible that there won't be a major jam and catastrophy.

I say that if they can do the cut, they are a Factional-State. Which mean that the State is divided in different faction. FM, KOC and so on.

Note that this does not change anything with me. I keep waiting for God to cut the bs.

Why I want to have child, for Karine...

First I think that having child is one of the most good thing for a healthy couple. Yes, a couple that love each other will want to have child of each other. Than it's the most good thing because it will bring me a lot of fun, happiness, pride, challenge and of course I must forget other stuff.

Also it's a duty. It's not like you can do the opposite to me. Because everybody should reproduce.
And as a major chief of man of influence, I need to show the example to everybody.

It's also a proof of life success: Only those who did well enough will be able to reproduce with God. Or most people that reproduce have succeed.

And I'm not afraid to work. I like to work. It's all good for us(Québecers) and me.

Like I said, I'm sure that I could find a lot more of argument. As you can understand, I doubt you can make me change me mind on that.

Btw, what is idea of God to match me with a girl that don't want kid and don't want to work? I don't get it. I'm afraid Karine, that we're not meant to be together.

mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Order 1010 or opinion 1010(Numbers need to be choose wisely in the future considering the meaning of it in the general culture)

And they would go on the section order or opinion of my great website.


Because of the problems of the society it appear that who can need to reproduce more(4 child max though) to compensate with those that did not have child for various reason.

But of course, you need to have the cash to do that. And I will say that most likely, to have four child, you got to be a good social situation.

Also, remember that if it collapse and it the car get stuck, be sure to have the clothe nodes and the doctor or knowledge for the birth.

The reason of that order is to achieve victory by giving to God our best. As a remember, I claim that humanity need to grow much more.

I'll finish that by saying that if I' at the power and if everything run fine, it's 10% grow with lottery.


mardi 25 octobre 2016

Les réseaux de l'apocalypse

Donc il me semble évident que les Nations du monde seront dans de grand trouble très prochainement à cause de leur infrastructure routière qui  ne pourra plus desservir le même nombres de voitures. Certaine théories et affirmation divine dit même que les routes seront toutes bloquées.

Donc, le réseau de l'internet cessera de fonctionner et cela pour j'estime au moins 15 ans le temps que les routes soient déblayer et remise opérationnel. Sans compter qu'il est possible que les Nations ne seront plus jamais capable de remettre en marche le réseau de l'internet faute de flux routier(Nombre de char qui passe sur les routes).

Donc, je dis que Dieu fera un paquet de réseau peer2peer ondulaire. Et ce n'est vraiment pas dur de faire une réseau p2p ondulaire texte seulement. Et encore bien moins dur que se connecter. Je dis que ça prend juste quelques programmes pour se faire.

Et je dis même que avec un chef comme moi et beaucoup de monde je pourrais faire un réseau p2p bien plus fort qui pourrait aller jusqu’à offrir du vidéo.

Pour ce qui est des jeux, je pense que c'est plustot être riche et sans la Société Rouge, c'est selon moi impossible.

Ou je veux en venir avec ce message c'est que il y aura beaucoup de réseau voir des grand dans l'apocalypse.

mercredi 19 octobre 2016

We don't need Nationalism but

But we at least need that
This is, if most people does not work.

Nationalism would be reserve to the upper class and people that have a high social rank in the nation.

Of course, for Mak Marceau, everybody is welcome to be Nationalist and humanist.

What most poeople need to do to make it work(Communiqué 1A1)

This is IF most people don't work. (That's the info I got for now)


1-Respect the Makesist laws that can be easily resume:

  • No murder and so of course no torture
  • No stealing
  • No rape or scheme or rape
  • No hacking
There is a lot of other minor laws and rules but it can be resume to that quickly.

2-Reproduce and have at least 2 child

3-Work on demand of the King or the Emperor or the State

4-Don't betray your country

lundi 17 octobre 2016

It's Archaic-State everywhere in my book and me

There is no State in my book. Simple explanation of that is the market division. Like if the food market is with the beauty market. Like if GM is with Ford and they are working together right now to know which one is going to close.

The market divide the Nation and I will make you remember that the State in my definition is an entity that administer the Nation. Not produce food or produce car. Those that administer the food are in the Archaic-State. Those that decide which bridges are going to be build are in the Archaic-State.

It is unknown to me what the government does in this story but I will say again what I'm saying in the cosmos about that them lately: They are only here to cover the whole bs. Same thing goes for all the medias almost.

So what I need to do in the case that God want me to be a King or an Emperor is to find these division that make the Archaic-State and take command of them. I could unify them, reform them to make it work or make it work better.

The good point here with me is that I can tell them what to do easily since I can talk to everybody. So I already told them what to do. So I'm not even sure if it's absolutely needed to know them in cosmos or in real.

So I just need more info, a official website or a personal note taker and that's it, I do my job of Emperor or King.

dimanche 9 octobre 2016

How the State and the society is working imo

For now from what I know but I bet I'm really in.

It's good to point that I could make a diagram that explain it all in a picture but I'd need someone that know how to make diagram.



I claim that how it work from what I know and because we're divided by the market that there is no State in my region. A State is an unified entity under a chief or said a King that administer the Nation(So the same organization like the Red State). So right now, I claim that we have an Archaic State in the region. This mean that the State is divided in organizations. I claim that there is a lot of organization and some of them have some function of the State.

An organization have difference chief, are in a different region and most importantly are in a different market.   

It is important to understand my definition of State. What God ask me to become and the term come from the culture, I did not create it.

State: Unified(Same name of tittle and rank and so on) human entity under a chief that manage the Nation.
Archaic State(AState): Human entity that manage the Nation.

The people that own the cash and the power are not absolutely the AState imo. They are possibly what I call and what also come from the general culture btw, the establishment. Unless the person in question pay people for work or living. And they of course need to pay them to do the Nationalism, not fucking destroy the town. In the case that they pay people* to destroy to town or any bs of this kind, they are the invaders AState. 

* There is the State society, société d'État and the company(Theoric). A State society and an entity that take cash from the bank network. A company is a entity that take cash from the money income of their sell. They are in what I call the market economy.

The market economy is those that are in business and make their own cash. Note that this is just a name for this, we're all the market, or the market economy.

Than after the AState at the mean time, we got the society and the organization. There is many kind of organization. The society is an entity that has rank, tittle and function. I claim that this society are "assemblé" under deal and share the money, work and more.

And I say that some society or organization have a part of the State.  

For the U.S and Québec gov, I don't know what they do here. It's kept secret to me. But I think I can say they are possibly something like I am, which is a governor and call a government when there is a lot of people governing. Or they could be major part of the State and one of the head of it. I'd another head of the Archaic State.

Why I won't take drugs if I can (Communiqué A1-9)

If I can because God possibly will ask me to take drugs or even force me. This is for now before I try the best drugs around. I doubt I could be an addict but.

But I won't take the chance. That's one of the reason I don't want to take drugs: To become an addict.
Like if I'm going to live for my drugs like a fucking moron all over my life. When I know I'm already happy right now even under the torture I am.

The second reason which is in fact the main or first reason is for health. I claim that drugs is the reason of a lot of disease. Mostly physical but also psychological such as azimer and other bs. I say that I won't live long with drugs and living long is important to me.

Another reason is the price of it and the availability of it. I doubt I'll be rich someday and if I do, maybe this reason won't last but for now I say that you got the be very rich to have drugs. Or be in a very good situation socially. Both thing that no I way I can do for now.

vendredi 7 octobre 2016

Why humans attack me(Again, in English)(Communiqué 00211)

So since I'm more woke up and I know more about everything, I'm going to re-rewrite this. Here the original post.

There is an operation of covering the reality by my enemy GF Karine Aubin and some other people. I claim they try to hide the reality with the homosexuality problem. I also claim they are number 2.

So I claim that my most important problem is due to international war. Due to the fact that Québec is a conquered Nation by the English Archaic Empire and betrayed by France.

So(In order):

  1. Rival Nation and mostly Canada, U.S, UK and France
  2. National Traitor
  3. Rival Agent
  4. Rival market (That include those that I mess up with information such as battery and car gas)
  5. Illegal striker
  6. Mass media
  7. Evils
  8. High criminals(Crime against humanity)
  9. Criminals
  10. The masculine(Those that shit on girls all day long..)
  11. And funny thing, imo, the homosexual
  12. The crazy or ill
  13. The feminine
So the reason why Québec have let me down and sell me is probably because I have too much enemy and it was too hard to defend me. France probably could not help me out because of their Status with Québec Nation before I'm born.

I can prove that they are nationalist with the protectionist campaign they does with the gaming industries(No games from outside France, Québec, Canada and U.S is permit).

And I say that the English Archaic Empire can't take me because I'm not born English speaker and because at my grade(or more social rank like I'm saying) they cannot take someone that betray his nation even if I could quit Québec without been call a betrayer in my science(They let me down, they betrayed me).

Ho and God hate me...

lundi 3 octobre 2016

So my new solution to our transport problem and money

My solution is these small bus:

The reason why it's a good solution is I think that the line that make the current cars and truck can be change to do these small bus. Also, with these bus and a scheme that I'm going to explain later in the post, our remaining roads will be able to afford these bus.

But now there is the money problem. We need to cut a lot and God ask that everybody in Québec get cut beside maybe the poor on welfare. And if they can't afford a house with their new income, they'll need to move. They'll need to cut their spending.

To keep the food, a system of point could be establish.

And for the scheme, here an example: A bus will start at 8AM from east to west on the road Notre-Dame et full up of people that goes to downtown. They will be sing on the roads. These people will sit in a pre-define section of the bus that is the sector destination in downtown. When the bus will reach the downtown sector, he will than ask someone in one destination sector where he/she go and lead him/her there. He will than take another one in this destination sector and so on until there is nobody left. Than the bus driver will do the next more near sector in the bus.

I'm sure there is a lot of other way to use these bus that could be think.

As a note, God pretend that he won't do that until it collapse. So I'm not sure what we'll need to do than to do these bus and make the worker work again. We'll see than.

If I was the Québec King, I'd start to order this bus now.

samedi 1 octobre 2016

In the case the roads does not jam

I'm not sure why God let me believe that. I guess it's because I'm all alone and not supported that he misinform me like this. Plus, I have a theory that say the reason why He and they let me believe that is because they don't want the natality to reach normality. And if it does not jam, I say they are probably well organized with even maybe a solid unified State. What they're going to do is in my book cut some production and establish some transport order.

So anyway if the roads does not jam, in my case what I'm going to do is exactly the same as now. So seeking for girls and having a family and of course a good rate of life. And I'm willing to join a society but like I said in the cosmos they need to present themselves, tell me what they want and what they offer. Otherwise as long as God protect me and give me this power, I'm going to stay like this.

I would also do this and of course I'm going to try take the power. I could need to be elected/supported. And I doubt I'm going to take the power because nobody appear to be interested in me.

And I'll finish this by saying that computer will be by far my most important object. I'm looking for sport and other activities to preserve my private life and get rid of cheating.