lundi 11 juillet 2016

Definiton of Socialism for Mak Marceau in few lines

For me, Socialism does not come with Nationalism. Because you need to choose a Nation and work for it. The American socialist that work for Germany for example does not make any sense to me. Also note that I have steal or use the term Socialism from the general culture and its defintion is surely not the defintion of those that claim to be socialist right now. Also note that the Nazis and Hitler appear to be similar to me and used these term and this is one of the reason why I did.

Definition of National-Socialism for Mak Marceau:

Mode of life that work with the command of a Royal State under the command of a King/Queen. It use money (R system) to distribute the production. The production is all under the control of the Royal State and the King and the market does not exist like right now. We're talking about a National-Socialist market.

So that's it. Tell me the other socialist make sense with their: Go search on google what is socialism.

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