And more, a Royal one: A State does not come with a King imo. I want to say on this subject that maybe some could make it work without a King but in my case and in my opinion, a King is needed and I present myself to be it here in Québec.
Now the reason why we need a State is of course because it make more sense that a Nation is run by a State than a bunch of private. But this is my all the time opinion that nobody is interested in. So now because of the transport crisis, because the roads won't offer the same amount of people that can go to work, we need a transport order that is going to make work the people at night and evening so we can have a good production and of course more cash. So we must have a State now.
Otherwise, without a transport order, I estimate that we're going to have like 1/20 of the current production and cash.
I say that only a Royal State can make a transport order. I say that all the town and region need an Admiral connected to a General over a network that should be not the internet because it is going to collapse.
I can show how to do that and I think I have my little chance that I'm going to do that.
And of course, if I can, the Royal State will manage a lot of more stuff so the Nation run well.
Ho and last thing, a transport order come with a large Millicia.
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