jeudi 7 avril 2016

I did a mistake, (self driving car)

Good to point that I'm in termic isolation and under severe torture. Also, I've been very occupied on much more important, the revolution.

So sorry to the industries, it look like self driving car and truck is posssible but:

  • It need to be tested on predefined route for truck at least 3 month. 
  • For car, a specific program need to be made for all special routes.

So where I'm very interested here is the truck. On a route that is always the same and has been tested, I now claim it's possible.

For cars, I can't believe it would work for all roads and what happens when it don't work. Anyway, I give my green permit or my opinion say yes to start what ever the industries want to do(Mass production).
Je m’excuse à l'industrie pour mon erreur.

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