samedi 24 octobre 2015

There is 5 duty or 5 working part(Les cinq parties du travail)

Also said devoir en French. I've talk many times in the past in the cosmos about that.

In order importance:
  1. Political duty
  2. Millician or Police duty
  3. Work duty
  4. Reproduction duty
  5. Army duty 
It appear that these 5 duty could be said the national dutys. (Les devoirs national)

For a citizen to be a correct and working citizen, I pretend she/he need to respect these five duty. A citizen does not work fully or correctly if he/she does not respect these five duty.

  1. The political duty is about doing his politic study and understand how humanity work completely. Voting is part of this duty.
  2. The Millician duty is about keeping the good order in the nation.
  3. The work duty is doing is work part or for the burraucrate doing his physical part.
  4. The reproduction stand for itself but good to note that it does not end at making childs: Take care of the child so they make child too is another aspect of this duty.
  5. If call by the administration entity of the nation also said The State, the citizen need to join the force. With a good State of course!

I hope people can understand how fubar they are if I'm right. I think that like 40% of the nation should be perfect on that so it would work.

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