lundi 27 juillet 2015

The reason of the shit(that could be the explanation for all my pain as I read what I wrote))

Here imo what are the reason of the shit. There is those who did it and those who paid for it.

So for those who did it:

  1. Money
  2. Power
  3. Social rank
  4. Market
  5. Masculine

And in the order of importance.

Money: They did that for an income of any kind. Can be money or anything else like cars or food.

Power: They did this so I fall in the society and especially with the girls and so I do not treat their power. I also fall in influence because I say that people claim God is not with me so be with me is no good.

Social rank: Like my genetic-brother, I expect they did this to raise in the social hierarchy or even pass echelons.

Market: They did this for their market because they expected from that I'd not be with the girls and so not buy beauty product instead of food.

Masculine: Because not being with the girls is being with the mens and so make advance their culture and they're friends.

The market responsible for the shit is:
  1. Food
  2. Cars
  3. Masculine
  4. Luxury

Those who paid:

  • Anybody interested to lower my status and so influence by reducing me
  • My enemy that in most case are heavy criminals and some are afraid of me
  • The aliens if they're here


God in his case either hate me or sacrificed me or just sold me.

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