lundi 26 septembre 2016

How do I take command of Québec by now

I say that there is no State. It's an archaic State. It's a lot of society assembled that share the administration of the Nation.

God in other hand, pretend sometimes that there is a State and that this entity is very unified and exist.

So what need to be done so I take command is:

  1. Repair me
  2. Give me my cash
  3. Present me a girl of my age that know everything about the archaic State and the social structure
  4. Make me learn the social structure and how the archaic State is working or how they administer the Nation
  5. Than I simply take command of everybody and tell them what they need to do

In the case that there is a unified State, I first know them and how they work and same I take command and become a King.

In the case that there is no unified State and God pretend or it is a must to have one. I need to know how they work anyway and than I'll make a website with my team and open "poste". They are going to apply with the website.

If there is no network, we need to remake it work. If we can't, I'll need Bureau all over the Montréal and Banlieu and they will use the website there.

I expect that I need like 200 specialist with high education to do a State. Plus their own staff.


Again, God pretend that there is a State here. And God pretend that this State and its army need to defend me. I will repeat, here in the blog, that it's possible but I disagree with that. I claim that only God need to defend me and He is just making fun of everybody.

If you know it's not the case, than read that:

dimanche 25 septembre 2016

Did I say?

Excuse me for the mistake but remember that I'm all alone and that I learn all that by myself almost.

When I say that I should had an education.

My current solutions to the transport crisis and the oil income failure in Montréal

Good to point for a beginning that I'm not aware of the other towns and even if the humans and God would have been correct for all of my life, I doubt I could bring a solution to all towns. And also, remember that I'm saying the economie goes by sector or town.


Ok so first let me start by saying that it's quite obvious that the solution is car pooling. And this have been hide from me by God and the other people because of the obvious retardation of the Gods that could not live without an individual car.

So in both or all my solution, car pooling is the solution.

For the first solution that is quite obvious too, the monetary order need to be change so the lost of the oil income is calcul and a system of points need to be establish to keep the food. 

Yes the food market can't continue in this direction imo: Some citizen that eat all the time won't have the money to buy to food since they need to be cut because of the oil income failure.

So I though about a cut for the members of the secret society that pump that money**. And than a system a points given to them to keep them eating.

So the food market would not sell food anymore. They would distribute it to some citizen. Now the question is, is this possible. Without me to know how it work in the societys and the archaic State I can't tell.

For the car pooling in all solution, it could be made with the computers with a single program or a complicated program like Good Maps. And there is also of course, the solution of the babillard.


Now the other solution is Makesist National Royal Socialism which I doubt someone is interested.
I will talk about that more if things change.

samedi 24 septembre 2016

Power is given by God, Nationalism is not a must

So because I though it was the job of all the Quebecers to make me a King, I was pretending that we needed to be Nationalist, plain normal common sense in this case.

So lately I found out that the power is given by God to a small minority or Kings or Dictator.

This said, I do not need the people and most of the Québec citizen to be Nationalist. The day the Quebecers will be interested in the idea, I could go back to that but so far I think that most people are plain crazy and even imo, retarded; And because of that, forget Nationalism.

What is going to happens if God give me the power is that I will take command of a lot of people to not say all Quebecers without them to be agree with that.

In other hand, all Quebecers will need to respect my laws, reproduce and work if asked by me or by those I will say they can ask. For the rest, like the retarded try to destroy humanity, I don't give a fuck as long as they respect my laws, reproduce and work on demand.

Nationalism will be "reservé" to an elite that are similar to the Terrian or the 24 or the Makesist.

mardi 20 septembre 2016

An addition to the Makesist Nationalism

I though about that for a while and even me is a little in trouble about that. Like if we're going to live and work together as Quebecers if the main or major society are at war. Same goes for the family. It make no sense to me that we turn Nationalist, I mean we work in the same team, if everybody is at war inside Québec.

So I say that the major society need to start a peace negotiation and achieve it. Than they need to take a deal about who will do what and how we're going to share the money.

For the family, it look like the murder and the torture inside family should be illegal for all. This said, they can't do that imo. I guess we need court and a police to make this work.

So I guess that even me could maybe be needed to not attack my enemy but for now it look like it's not a necessity for me. Tell me it's not a necessity for the main society to find a deal so we can work together.

Thinking about it while I write that maybe it could be an illegal action to take out my family even if I'm the King. I guess that maybe penalty for my family could be. And I guess that as long as they attack me, which they won's stop imo, I can try to take them out.

Comments, thought? I'm all alone here making it work?

I leave that shitty place(Québec) for anywhere in the world

First you need to present yourself.
Than you need to tell me what you want.
Than you need to tell what you give.

And what I ask if the implant removal, my beauty and some cash so I can live.

Than you need to have a community here in Québec to prove me that is going to work.

Than I move.

What we do than is that, we live and try to take the power. Taking the power is doing everything possible so it work for us and for the international or minimum our allies.

vendredi 16 septembre 2016

Qu'est-ce que nous fessons a partir de maintenant

Alors comme j'ai dis, les Québécois devraient faire quelques chose de similaire à ça et en passant ce communiqué pourrait prendre de l'envergure dans le futur et être plus clair peut être.

Par la suite, c'est assez simple, selon la volonté populaire, de l'élite et divine, nous continuions comme cela et on attend que ça fou le camp à terre.

Évidement que si les Québécois seraient correct, ils chercheraient une solution avant que ça reste bloqué. Si ça va rester bloqué parce que moi je ne suis pas sûr.

Je serais surpris que les fous de Québécois qui produisent s'entendent pour mettre fin à certaine production pour que nous puissions continuer de fonctionner avec ce que les routes du Québec nous offrira. Donc, ça foutera le camp à terre, ils(tout le monde) ne seront plus capable d'opérer et ils, évidement, tomberont et n'auront plus de pouvoir ou de choix d'arrêter leur activités à jamais. Par la suite, j'imagine que Dieu fera une nouvel État et relancera la production possible par rapport à ce que les routes et ponts peuvent donner.

Donc après l’effondrement, ça devrait ressembler à ça:

Bonne chance et bravo à nos chef, un franc succès.

dimanche 11 septembre 2016

In the case you can and want to stop an amout of the production so we can save the rest instead of loosing everything...

I'm not sure if it's going to block. But I think the sure thing is, we can't have the same amount of car that take the roads each day after the collapse of the 40 here in Montreal.

So I guess that we could stop some production to make it work like this for another while.

So it's quite logic that we should not stop what we need to make run the place. So what I've listed here.

Imo what should be stop is the high luxury such as the food and the 4x4.

I've listed what should be stop IMO in the cosmos. Think about it yourself. Stop the shoes production if you say so.

If you can't do it, you maybe need a King. So IMO go read that if you want a King imo. 

So the International need me

So you need me to make it work

I say I need to take command

So I take command

You do that:

And than that(second order):

If it's not true that the car will jam, you do that instead of second order:

Tu t'arrange pour que je sache ce qu'il se passe avec les transport.

How you make me take command:

You take out by extreme torture all my enemies
Here my enemies:
Here the proof it's the food market:

I say I need to become an Emperor to find the solution for the International. Otherwise I stay Governor.

Being under the command of an Emperor is obeying.

Good luck and keep up the bs God.

vendredi 9 septembre 2016

Je recherche toujours du financement et...

And I can't take it from the English people unless they prove me they have nothing to do with the military campaign in Québec. A being does not live without his team or Nation.

Alors, je recherche toujours du financement pour pouvoir vivre correctement et me reproduire et faire mon travail en même temps.

Si vous êtes intéressé, vous devez vous présenter. (Communiqué X2)

Vous devez me demander ce que vous voulez en échange, évidement.

Ce que j'offre c'est surtout de grande avantage et évidement beaucoup d'argent si je gagne et je prend le pouvoir. Évidement que je devrais supporter votre marché et intérêt si je peux.

Ce que je veux avoir(dans l'ordre):

  1. Implant enlever
  2. liposuction
  3. logement pour une famille de 4
  4. de l'argent pour faire rouler ma vie
  5. meubles
Je vais me trouver une femme moi même rendu la. Vous pouvez toujours m'en présenter une voir.

Si vous êtes ceux qui m'ont fait ce qui mes arrivé, allez vous faire enculer. Ce message n'est pas pour vous.

But thell me he is(enemy father) not nuts and full of bs

First how much fucking money they does each week? Even if they do the minimum wage, I bet they'd have enough cash to buy a second car. A car is 500 fucking dollar. Like if it make sense? Now, like if they are the minimum wage, lol.

Now he's angry because she did not kiss him yesterday before, lol, sleep. And than he say that there is no way in hell that he is going to do 40 minutes of car each day to bring her at work. He'll let her do that in bicycle instead! Is that human love?

Fix it mr the rich.

jeudi 8 septembre 2016

If the girls would be fine, I'd have access to the photos and porno of the hottest

And this, in this in a private form.

I claim that having photos of the hottest and the porno and all the rest of the content that include hot girls is a need that everybody need to fulfill at the modernity.

The thing is, right now, we're far to be in the Nationalism and the girls will for sure not reward me of my good action with that.

No instead, they will be totally crazy and reward some fucking loser(controller noob) that just do insane stuff such as hiding the girls from some tv channel and killing everybody at once.

I say that even the U.S and Canada own me that. Okay, we're at war but I claim that I'm good for them and even better than their current chief.

And it is important to point that in my case, I don't want the hoe that have been paid or that give their photo on public site. I want the private club that are for sure rampant.

And how I get access to that, simple email invite or simple knowing what is the keyword for these club with a fucking functional search engine that don't hide all the girls like fucking Islam voile maniac.

Keep it up looser, we'll see where it lead you.