So the recap is:
Echelon number:
- Alégence to Mak Marceau
- Obéissance to Mak Marceau
- Obéissance to Mak Marceau chain of command
- Respect of the universal human constitution
- Respect of the Five Duty
- And I had a gold echelon I can't remember
- And now the new one
- More to come as time goes
The new one will be:
To the affirmation: Freerer the market, freerer the people, the subject need to answer disagree and should explain:
That complete free market can only lead to pure bs and mass destruction. That the market need to respect the Makésiste laws that are here now and will be for ever. That possibly only Mak Marceau and his kind can find out the new laws for the market. That the Royal-Imperial market is far greater than free market. That some freedom could be offer for the sake of happiness of the workers.
Now I guess that the candidate will have to answer in 500 words. And that a former will need to read it and tell the central command that he pass!
Stay tune for the next!