For the Bus(in carpooling world):
Lower price for the new piece
Lower price to repair
I'm not even sure of this both affirmation but I'll go with this for now.
Take less roads
So we can have more worker for the roads
Against the Bus(in carpooling world):
They need to be construct and it would take decades.
Public stuff, public chair
A lot of people in the same container(place restrain)
Less mobility(require to go at the arrêt)For the Cars(in carpooling world):
All the factory are already made
High mobility
4 by cars instead of 60 by bus
Against the Cars(in carpooling world):
High price for new
High price for repair
Take a lot of space on roads
Lux is possible for both. But for the public transport a system need to made while for cars all system is here and need to be maintain.So if I have the staff, I could bring the numbers about the price. And this could play a lot in the decision. Most likely, it would be the reason why the people of all class could want to change for bus.
In my case, I vote to keep the cars for now until I got more info. But if the price ask for new cars if very high, I'll suggest to repair and route our current cars. Also if I can't get attacked too much.