dimanche 30 août 2015

Programs and website I want/need

So God ask me to write that.

The programs listed are not in importance but what crossed my mind first.

Email server with a good client. I'll forward my ip to a dns.

IRC server and better client that MIRC. I'm searching for something with a profile and photo of the user and it should contain a lot of options and stuff like mods.

Stylish for Firefox with better database

All the Firefox Addons

A good sms with icq99 style but not as gay

File explorer with recent shortcut

A better diary that look like SmartDiary with not cloud database

A good backup system

A good diagram maker for my team, can be very professional

Microsoft Office

Voice command, I know it need a class

Mods for Windows with sound. Good software that let try mods quickly and easy

Something like winamp but the mp3 browser should contain disk files tree until I got better quality mp3

Working teamviewer

Network viewer. I expect to have a lot of ondular network

Why not complete software database? So I can search for myself? Not just to choose them but because I'm going to find a lot of stuff there if it's not bs portal; Like for example: Most popular today. Ho and btw, if I can I choose open source. Let us watch the free virus program.

Fast Stone rezize I need that but it need a fix

Newgroup client for forums but files. I could also need one for files.

Good ftp client and server. I can already find that but I need cash.


Let's start by the most important, I'm seeking for a site that have photo of girls that is manage by girls that are not whore. And I'm seeking for an invitation not to force her. Fags stay away.

The major portal with trend. I'll try some and take one. A portal that does not come with a presentation of the owner, keep it. I don't hang with the mafia.

samedi 29 août 2015

Another solution than carpooling

I just saw a video on one of my good web site and I think I found another good solution to our transport problem.

Electric bicycle. I think it would be easy to use and of course harder for us in winter. With my modification to the bicycle it could be all good.

Of course we're far from the comfort of the car. But some people may prefer electric bicycle to carpooling.

So for those who prefer this, they could that. And we could vote if we want to all go for this or carpooling with all the things it need(moving, night shift).

Electric bike video in question

Healthcare tax compulsory

Here a nice thread for the smart administrator and the evils:

But the guy got an Xbox. Wow George!

Congrats for this society, it's well administrated. Plain smart. How much this happens in a year?

Just one of the proof that my system would work better: They is compulsory tax for healthcare so if there is an emergency, they all have a doctor.

If you tell me that you can't understand that a lot of people are in rush in life and won't want to pay tax nor to save money for their emergency, you're plain retarded or evil.

I pretend that the current system here in Quebec about the dentist is only good for the rich. Only them can live well around here.

Where's the left?

I found a better solution than homosexuality illegal

First, when we need something as a nation, we should do it. We're all suppose to be somekind of para-military and we're suppose to be prepare enough to hit were we need to hit.

Second, I'm all alone and I get better with time. So my mistake is not entirely my fault.

Now, I say that illegal homosexuality appear to be a good solution to me to fight a bad natality rate but it's a drastic one. Another more reasonable solution would be to decree same sex logging illegal. So nobody the same sex have the right to live in the same house.

The leaders, the good one, should be the first to give the example.

mercredi 26 août 2015

I need oil: My future project for progressism, efficiency and world domination

As we know, I focus very much on progress. Some of my project are very good for our mode of life. Some others are very efficient and could lead us to major world domination.

It's the polymer or plastic revolution. Changing the concrete for plastic or what I call polymer.

My first and important project to keep out mode of life, I mean the cars is the polymer brides. I've seen a video about a bridge made this way and I expect this to be what we need to do. And we need to do it right now. With this, the polymer, no more corrosion, no more build to remake. We save a lot of cash with time and we do not have the charge to remake the bridge anymore.

My second project is the water pipe. Again, with this, no more corrosion and no more need to remake the pipe. We save a lot with time.

My third project is not the most important but the most economic: Passing to very high density housing. So city similar to New York without any problem of collapsing and domino. The base will be made in polymer instead of concrete which mean no corrosion, which mean large building good for ever. This project will lead us to world domination imo because it us save so much cash that we can expand in a lot of other stuff.

So I need oil. And if I start, I pretend I need oil in 5 years.

Finally, I'll repeat that if we want God on our side, we better seek and work for progress because I'm sure God want his space ship asap.

I know I'm not 100% ready and very ignorant and I'm not even sure if poleymer has no corrosion but I'd go for it as soon as I know. So you know. As soon as I get information, I'm ready to manage the whole place.

Keep working hard for our base!

mardi 25 août 2015

SecureX again written

Just from my new mental state:

SecureX is a new OS that would be build by trusted people of Mat Marceau or under fascism doctrine.

It will be something similar Windows 3.1 for the first year of development. The only distribution possible is with dvd or usb key and the printer need to be a trusted source of Mat Marceau or under fascism. The update is dvd only.

To understand how it work, a video need to make. For me, it's like a class to learn how to drive: If you don't know how to drive, you crash.

The point of the new OS is to give a complete or somehow complete OS with software(logiciel) secured with the ability to install tiers programs or tiers software(logiciel) made by other people than those who made the OS. These programs will be secured by SecureX. There is still way to hack it but it's much harder and they cannot hack as much as they were. Note that one of the way to hack it is to edit SecureX, spoof Mat Marceau, so I mean say that the edited dvd come from Mat Marceau. This is important point to understand.

Written it will work like this:

Windows 3.1 command system

SecureX will ask question to the user and from the answer it will engage a level of security.
At maximum security, no personal files can be stolen, no backdoor can run.

SecureX require programming standard for the tiers developers. It will be as follow:
Two directory is given to the program.
A range of ram memory is given from SecureX. The programs cannot read the memory of the computer nor change it. It cannot access any directory beside the two chosen.
The way SecureX does that is by removing some primary function the cpu can do. Only a set of function can be program in a SecureX compatible programs. So SecureX will do a scan of the program that present itself as a SecureX compatible program and if it detect illegal cpu function it won't be run. Also, the SecureX tier program need to ask directory and memory to SecureX and than SecureX will run it.

A good user won't give the network access to a calculator. This way, the security breach will be minimal.

According to my new thinking. I'll need 2 more button on the computer. One for closing last program started and the other to close all programs started. This is because a virus could pass SecureX and for example start shaking the mouse so it cannot be use anymore. The button will close it. And for all programs it is because the shaker could be trigger by time pass.

Note that I'm centre cosmic and that I cannot work on my text. And I need a video, a well made one to explain it all to everybody.

Note2: The computer need to be clean prior the installation of SecureX. This is not in the hand of Mat Marceau. I could explain how it work on that subject, but I cannot modified all computer with my hands.

Note3: It appear that SecureX will be make for IBM compatible computers. And maybe others later.

Good Luck and kill the evil hackers.

jeudi 20 août 2015

What I need from the hardware maker for now

Of course I'd need a class about how it work but it could also be kept secret. But what I need anyway is:

A computer without backdoor and no os installed.
The possibility to put a password to access the bios and flash it.
The possibility to tell to the computer on which device it can boot.

From that I'll do the rest and it will be secure.

Of course, right now, they could make a mandatory password for access and flashing. This way, Windows or any other os will need to ask for a password to access it. Note that the password should be change after all change. So in theory the OS should not want access to the bios often unless the bios have been made correctly and that some function are not available without password or right change in bios: Example flash bios.

I'm sure my OS could be secure and spread and even offer other company the possibility to make software for it. I just need good and trustable programmers. A OS does not require that much time to be program imo. Of course it would not been as good as Windows. Rather be safe than complete in software and options.

mercredi 19 août 2015

Proof on paper: Homosexuality is a factor to bad natality rate

The reason why I suffer so much is because they wanted me to show the example on a lot of point and they even admitted this. So don't tell me a chief does not lead the other in homosexuality. And don't tell me that being with the same sex does lead with child making.

Furthermore, for a clear proof on paper: Being with the same sex in a house does not lead to reproduction.

Clear proof on paper to me.

mardi 18 août 2015

So what is going to happens (communiqué 007)

First with me, I'm not going to find any society imo. So I won't have everything from one. But I expect that God could give me some more as soon as he quit to bold me. So I could have more within time. He does not need a society to give me stuff, He got a lot of power.

Now for the nation level of the story. I think we're going to continue like this with the effect I have on the nation that could be more as God will. I mean, by raisin my status I could gain power but also God can make stuff with me so things change for the good.

Than major will collapse and we're going to all stop to work. People that work will loose their car for a long time and will need to back home walking.

There is many organization and society right now and they are almost all unknown of me right now. So when it will collapse, I claim that many of these organization will be in huge trouble, will cease to exist, will not have the same power as before. I say that some society could have 10x less power than now. And others like the car industries will almost die.

Than the people won't be able to suicide, God won't allow them to do so. So they're going to rebuild organization of all kind and society and they're going to find a new deal to make it work. Most likely a communist deal and maybe from these deal a new nation, Québec 2 if I got a lot of power will be created and will start to run.

Good Luck with that dear friend and allies and don't quit working hard for our base


I say it's maybe when they will rebuild that some could be interested in me. Even with what happens of what I know of them. According to the rumours, Napoleon needed revolution to pass so Hitler too.

lundi 17 août 2015

I quit violence games, movies and all the rest.

Now because God remove the spell and because when I know everything I know, I mean how fucking nuts some people is around, I'm about sure that violence games won't help our commission.

But of course we need to defend our land so keep axé like I'm saying is a must. So I mean that war simulator for the force will be I'm about sure.

But for the rest of the population, I don't recommend violence games. Of course something axé need to be done but I'm not sure what for now.

So I'll stick with Rocket League and other games like Soccer and baseball.

TR and Hockey is too much imo. And this goes as time advance...

dimanche 16 août 2015

Yahoo answer to Royal Red Society

So I was not sure if I needed to post that in Mat Marceau blog or even High Tech; Because I think it's important for the leaders and the brain or the more intelligent to help the less intelligent in all situation, I think it's important that in modernity this help goes digital.

So this is how my Answer website would look like. For this thing, I think a web site could be better than a newsgroup client but I'm not sure. Maybe it could be done for both later.

A thing that is important to say is that I don't help anybody and especially my enemy until it's good for me. So this web site would be for the members of the Red Society. The duty of a member of the Red Society is to use this site for at least 30 minutes daily and it will be report to the command if it has not been done.

There is two part of the site, the duty and the entertainment. Yes, some people like me could have fun to answer question or like me having fun helping people so they can do that in their free time. The duty part if the 30 minutes everybody and maybe some people need to give to the Red Society Mini-State.

Both part have the same login and this login is the national ID with a password.

For the benevolent part, the user need to choose the category that he wish to answer first. Than of course he can choose to read all the questions of all the category.

For the duty part, the user will need to select his function if not already appointed by the central command. From that, the question that need to be answer will be chosen by a great system. The system will be as that:

There is level of importance of the question. The most important will be first on the list. Bad importance question need to be report and corrected by the Millice. The user will answer the most potent question according to his function. For now the system is kind of blur in my mind but it will get great with time and I doubt I'd be the one working on that. Most likely more a social agent with a lot of knowledge about function and what this function does. But the system need to follow the main things I've said in this article unless proven wrong on a forum. If this system does not show potent question for the user, the user is free to leave.

Welcome in the 21st century,

samedi 15 août 2015

Emergency Order to friends and allies





Important aspect of reformed capitalism

I claim that it's possible to mix socialism and capitalism and the reason for doing that is to make it work(capitalism and socialism society) and be prosperous and doughty for some that want to be. There is two known socialism.
  1. Royal socialism
  2. Uncentralized socialism
The Royal socialism is the one I've speak about a lot and the one that have no private business for Royal business as main point.

The Uncentralized socialism is a form of union of people that share the same income according to their function. Example: The painter of x organization will be paid 300 a week so the painter of y organization too. This way, we're going to speak about an homogenic socialist union. The important point of this is first they respect an amount of cash each week which is far superior to stealing for next week and the other homogenic politics will lead us to victory and prosperity according to my expectation. In this story, I'd be one of the commissioner of the Uncentralized socialist union of Québec nation. Of course if this union is not worth anything in a short future after the inauguration of the fix or reform of capitalism, it could be abolish by me. Good to say that as a commissioner, I could deploy a lot of politics to make it work correctly. And one of it that I'd do after having more proof that it's the right thing to do is the what the salary of each function should have.

The force of a nation is its socialist part -Mat Marceau

One possible solution for securing Windows right now

Right now because I already did it but it's for sure not at his best and not really fun to use. This solution was given by Bill Gates and it's the sandbox solution or the virtual machine: A Windows in Windows.

Yes, a Windows run by Windows. I already did it 10 years ago for my class. The software exist already. But like I said, better could be done so when you click on a game or program it will start in the sandbox automatically and when closing the program no virus can run. Only the sandbox OS can be infected.

This for sure work. And with a good sandbox program, it's maybe possible to have many Windows install in a computer especially with large disk.

Of course it is important to understand that the sandbox os could be infected by a virus but with a good sandbox, no way he get out and infect the real os. Also good to point that normally in a sandbox there is no sensitive data in it: So the virus cannot steal data.

Also I can't find a sandbox program around. But I installed a virtual machine 10 years ago and I think Microsoft was making the program.

vendredi 14 août 2015

Possible solution: Fixing capitalism

But I make you remember that the point of my State now is to:
  • Find a solution to the transport and it's for sure carpooling for once
  • Fix the natality rate
  • Keep the monetary order alive
Because if God and/or the society do that with me, I'm going to say that I'm a State in the region. Of course not as strong as I would be in socialism or communism.

The major fix require expected to make work the capitalism are:
  • Cap for everybody even the rich
  • Major wealth distribution in money reform
  • Major cut
  • Repay electricity bill and gaz
  • Universal(for all) national laws
  • Homosexuality banned
  • House illegal
  • Reform of the production so people can reproduce
I'll need to work on this with my team and give better explanation in the future that I'd be mandate for that.

Working is the strongest factor of capitalism and it could be require to the Quebecers to work more.

I'm fixing Québec nation. I almost need to move in other nation to fix other nation. Universal solution could be found.

I'm not willing to use Canadian money unless they retire their troops of Québec country.

Note to friends: I really doubt God will do that with me. He keep torturing me all day long and I'm about sure now that nothing will happens with me unless it fall(raods); This is my only chance imo.

If they want to start that with me they need to become normative and than present me a women of my age so I can start asking a lot of question. Than I'll ask other question to the concerned people.

Good Luck if we start!

Efficiency progressim, job mutation

Let's take for example the physical mail: There is no need for a postman on each house door. There is the communal box. This way, the citizen can go take the mail and it's not require to have as much postman. The downside are minimal with communal box but with carpooling I admit that we could have problems. But anyway, I'm for communal box btw.

The reason why I'm for communal box is because there is no need of that many postman imo. So in a perfect situation, we can save this human resource for something else. Something else that will bring us good to all of us: Like more jewels or anything.

Good to make note to people that I think the reason some use this politics is to save cash and possibly live rich out it. Which is far from what I'm doing.

mercredi 5 août 2015

About my view of how work capitalism and me

As we know, I try to join the assembly of Québec and so the capitalism regime.

And this is how I view how it could work, how could capitalism work:

We are all Quebecers almost. Notion on this are far in the past and the blog can be and search to find stuff about nationalism notion. The chief and the leaders and the great people are assembled in the cosmos. There is many organization and society that form Québec. There is administration of this organization that are united via the assembly and form the archaic state.

Now they have deal to share the money and other goods. They have deal to export and import in the world. And a lot of other deals.

What I claim that we need to do to make work the capitalism and so let the private business run is a find a deal so the nation and capitalism work. We need to share everything and I'll try to be in and get my part. Which is huge btw if I can. I won't that hide that I even try to become a King with a large share.

So if the Quebecers want to do that with me, they'll need to give me a lot of info and present me the leaders of the major organization so we can start negotiate.

In the capitalism, a theories said that it is possible for almost everybody to keep their business. But there is rules and laws for all that need to be respect. I won't list them all here but it look like everybody need to have child, homosexuality illegal and classing a must. School mandatory and so on.

I suggest to wait that God make his proof and become normative before doing that with me.

Good Luck Friends and allies if it start

Why I'm writting blogs articles

Because I think it is possible that sometimes they cannot follow well what I'm saying in the cosmos. The day I find out that it's not the case, that everybody follow my cosmic talk well, the day I will quite writing blogs. I will than just do official communiqué and so.